Spot Forecast
Issued by NWS Flagstaff, AZ

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FNUS75 KFGZ 190942

Spot Forecast for Horton...USFS
National Weather Service Flagstaff AZ
242 AM MST Sun Jan 19 2025

Forecast is based on forecast start time of 0600 MST on January 19.
If conditions become unrepresentative, contact the
National Weather Service in Flagstaff, AZ

.DISCUSSION...Dry conditions with no precipitation expected over
the next few days. Winds today SW 5-10 mph starting mid morning
and lasting through sunset. Winds become downslope drainage winds
out of the N-NW at 5-10 mph as the night progresses. On Monday a
dry cold front moves through the area, winds increase out of the
N-NE during the day. Wind speeds 10-15 mph through mid morning,
15-20 mph during the afternoon, 20-30 mph, gusts to 40 mph Monday
night into Tuesday morning.


Chance of pcpn......0 percent.
Max temperature.....35-40 high elevations, 47-53 low elevations
Min humidity........15-20 percent all locations.
Wind (20 ft)........N-NE 5mph before 10am, SW 5-10 mph after 10am.
Haines Index........5 or moderate potential for large plume
                    dominated fire growth.
Transport winds.....West 5 to 10 knots increasing to around 15
                    knots in the afternoon.


Chance of pcpn......0 percent.
Min temperature.....20-25 all elevations.
Max humidity........35-40 percent high elevations,
                    50-55 percent low elevations.
Wind (20 ft)........SW 5-10 mph top of Rim, N-NW 5mph below Rim
                    until 11pm, then N-NW 5-10 mph top and
                    bottom of Rim after 11pm.
Haines Index........3 or very low potential for large plume
                    dominated fire growth.
Transport winds.....West around 5 knots shifting to the
                    northwest after 3am.


Chance of pcpn......0 percent.
Max temperature.....32-37 high elevations, 45-50 low elevations.
Min humidity........15-20 percent low elevations,
                    20-25 percent high elevations.
Wind (20 ft)........N-NE 10-15 mph after 5am increasing
                    N-NE 15-20 mph after 8am.
Haines Index........3 or very low potential for large plume
                    dominated fire growth.
Transport winds.....North 5 to 10 knots increasing to around 15
                    knots late in the afternoon.

A weather forecast table for your SPOT location is linked.
The information provided by this site is for planning purposes only
and is not intended to substitute information provided by an official
National Weather Service SPOT forecast.

Requested by...Tom Stevens
Type of request...WILDFIRE
.TAG 2500898.0/FGZ
.DELDT 01/19/25
.FormatterVersion 2.0.0