![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
108 UMAK19 PAFA 080001 COR SGLFAI 70261 TTBB 58008 70261 00009 11317 11004 08728 22996 09142 33991 08957 44982 09550 55970 09759 66966 09956 77963 09958 88962 09958 99949 10763 11943 10168 22928 10370 33918 10564 44917 10562 55914 10759 66904 11364 77871 13159 88857 10979 99848 11179 11839 10381 22727 16181 33714 16770 44636 23562 55617 25159 66610 25560 77589 27757 88572 29558 99560 30557 11547 32132 22540 32731 33539 32736 44538 32743 55535 30769 66534 30772 77524 29981 88513 31182 99507 29986 11491 29388 22448 31784 33413 35971 44408 36569 55377 41570 66363 42773 77340 46167 88337 45766 99325 46967 11312 49363 22302 50557 33291 52157 44288 51959 55287 52160 66281 52961 77264 55359 88254 56560 99242 55165 11236 55768 22223 56770 33214 55973 44203 52178 55197 53378 66179 50382 77175 51382 88163 50183 99141 50784 11133 52783 22130 50784 33121 51984 44114 49985 55100 51184 21212 00009 05502 11957 17001 22886 33002 33875 31510 44849 27520 55836 28025 66782 28029 77745 30527 88574 30041 99561 29539 11491 31064 22464 30578 33415 31084 44286 31085 55254 31081 66217 30050 77208 29554 88190 30048 99183 28545 11173 30042 22153 29047 33146 31038 44118 29056 55100 29037 31313 44108 82305 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00091 10181 10194 30506 29027= PPBB 58008 70261 90/12 05502 33008 07004 90345 28502 32507 28025 90678 28026 28029 30028 909// 30532 91245 30032 30536 30041 9168/ 29550 31064 92025 30577 31084 30578 93013 31084 31085 31081 93679 30050 29554 30048 94014 28545 30042 29047 945// 31038 9503/ 29051 29037=