![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
561 UMUS44 KEPZ 080000 SGLEPZ 72364 TTBB 58008 72364 00875 25882 11871 24885 22863 24085 33763 13876 44724 11878 55714 11076 66689 09071 77675 07675 88635 03889 99545 06559 11535 07759 22517 09957 33508 10368 44490 12157 55482 12558 66478 12957 77459 13768 88452 13576 99441 14580 11428 15970 22405 18783 33372 24372 44355 27176 55339 28978 66336 28978 77332 29378 88316 32362 99309 33563 11294 36960 22276 40758 33223 507// 21212 00875 27006 11866 28012 22861 27516 33851 26513 44844 25012 55822 27009 66816 26008 77807 24512 88793 26013 99778 24518 11768 26017 22738 24531 33720 25043 44712 25538 55693 26043 66683 26541 77663 26537 88654 26540 99644 26543 11615 26039 22604 25539 33572 27043 44564 26543 55535 26539 66529 27041 77521 26545 88515 27044 99509 26547 11498 26552 22480 26046 33474 26045 44468 26045 55457 24546 66447 23048 77442 23048 88422 24544 99418 25045 11404 24546 22395 25046 33380 24546 44370 25046 55360 25049 66355 25049 77335 26051 88331 26550 99315 26553 11311 26556 22302 26054 33299 26056 44294 26054 55281 26553 66278 26552 77267 27055 88262 27553 99258 27556 11254 27058 22249 26557 33236 26059 44232 26058 55223 25560 31313 45408 82301 41414 00901 51515 10164 00091 10194 24528 26040 10141= PPBB 58008 72364 90/56 27006 25012 26509 90789 27012 26016 24531 91012 25538 26541 26538 91345 26543 26039 25539 91678 27043 26540 26545 92012 26049 26045 23048 92345 23048 25045 24547 92678 24546 25046 25049 929// 26051 93012 26050 26556 26054 93345 26553 26552 27553 9378/ 26059 26058= NNNN