Public Information Statement
Issued by NWS Eureka, CA

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NOUS46 KEKA 270548

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Eureka CA
1048 PM PDT Wed Mar 26 2025


Location                     Speed     Time/Date       Elevation (ft.)


...Del Norte County...
Jack McNamara Airport        55 MPH    0644 PM 03/26   32
Camp Six RAWS (Gasquet 5 E)  48 MPH    0859 PM 03/26   3698
Darlingtonia                 42 MPH    0850 PM 03/26   1315
Crazy Peak                   38 MPH    0538 PM 03/26   3970
Dead Horse                   38 MPH    0830 PM 03/26   2006
Little Grayback              37 MPH    1010 PM 03/26   5390
Elk Valley Rd                36 MPH    0610 PM 03/26   74
Smith River                  34 MPH    0930 PM 03/26   12
Smith River 3 S              31 MPH    0807 PM 03/26   1574

...Humboldt County...
Slate Creek RAWS             59 MPH    0857 PM 03/26   4178
Cow Creek Ridge              58 MPH    0710 PM 03/26   4036
Ferndale 6.4 S (PGE)         57 MPH    0250 PM 03/26   1695
Scotia 4.3 SW (PGE)          54 MPH    0620 PM 03/26   2899
Cooskie Mountain RAWS        51 MPH    0708 PM 03/26   2944
Ft Seward 3.3 W (PGE)        48 MPH    0850 PM 03/26   2998
Blocksburg 6.1 NW (PGE)      47 MPH    0840 PM 03/26   2275
School House RAWS            47 MPH    1201 PM 03/26   2652
Kneeland RAWS                46 MPH    0555 PM 03/26   2736
Barry Ridge                  45 MPH    0330 PM 03/26   2665
Kneeland 2.2 S (PGE)         45 MPH    0320 PM 03/26   2306
Lone Star Junction 1.1 NW    44 MPH    0300 PM 03/26   2215
Bridgeville 1.8 N            44 MPH    0820 PM 03/26   1692
Hoopa                        41 MPH    0440 PM 03/26   375
Bridgeville 6.3 N (PGE)      41 MPH    0720 PM 03/26   3512
Petrolia 3.9 SE              40 MPH    0140 PM 03/26   153
Bell Springs 4.9 NW          40 MPH    1240 PM 03/26   2337
Ettersburg 1.2 NW (PGE)      40 MPH    0800 PM 03/26   1139
Bridgeville 4.4 SE (PGE)     40 MPH    1000 PM 03/26   1890
Lost Coast Ranch             40 MPH    0250 PM 03/26   564
Snow Camp Lake               40 MPH    1020 PM 03/26   1392
Sabertooth Road              39 MPH    1240 PM 03/26   2754
Arcata/Eureka Airport        39 MPH    0342 PM 03/26   135
Benbow 5.8 NE (PGE)          39 MPH    0630 PM 03/26   3883
Bridgeville 4.7 N (PGE)      37 MPH    0800 PM 03/26   2619
Miranda 2.8 SW (PGE)         36 MPH    0830 PM 03/26   1796
Table Bluff Road             35 MPH    0240 PM 03/26   316
Honeydew 2.7 NE (PGE)        35 MPH    1030 PM 03/26   2356
Arcata                       34 MPH    1240 PM 03/26   22
Rohnerville                  34 MPH    0230 PM 03/26   335
Brush Mountain Lookout       33 MPH    0446 PM 03/26   3940
Ridgewood 1.6 NW             32 MPH    0330 PM 03/26   170
Eureka Idsm                  32 MPH    1050 AM 03/26   5
Big Hill                     32 MPH    0440 PM 03/26   3569
Fortuna 2.7 SE               32 MPH    0330 PM 03/26   196
Alderpoint 0.8 S             31 MPH    0410 PM 03/26   988
Scotia 1.8 W (PGE)           30 MPH    1020 AM 03/26   1240
Loleta                       28 MPH    0955 PM 03/26   131
Honeydew                     27 MPH    0650 PM 03/26   405
Westhaven 2.2 NE (PGE)       26 MPH    0350 PM 03/26   664
Fortuna 3.6 S                25 MPH    0330 PM 03/26   64
Chambers Road                24 MPH    0750 PM 03/26   347
Maple Creek 4.2 NE (PGE)     21 MPH    0420 PM 03/26   3000
Aikens Creek                 19 MPH    0130 PM 03/26   308

...Lake County...
High Glade Lookout           44 MPH    0836 PM 03/26   4807
Hobergs (PGE)                28 MPH    0950 PM 03/26   3024
Buckingham Park              25 MPH    1025 AM 03/26   1997
Knobcone Camp 5.4 NW (PGE)   21 MPH    0700 PM 03/26   3096

...Mendocino County...
Bell Springs                 45 MPH    0820 PM 03/26   3842
Cahto Peak                   41 MPH    0630 PM 03/26   4229
Albion Ridge Road            36 MPH    1240 PM 03/26   336
Manchester1.2 S (PGE)        34 MPH    0700 AM 03/26   298
Forest Route 1n02            33 MPH    0820 PM 03/26   4812
Yorkville 5.5 NW             33 MPH    0115 PM 03/26   2342
Laytonville 7.4 N (PGE)      33 MPH    0350 PM 03/26   2061
Iron Peak 1.6 WNW            32 MPH    0240 PM 03/26   3210
Elk Rock                     30 MPH    1230 PM 03/26   299
Willits 3.4 SW (PGE)         30 MPH    0510 PM 03/26   2254
Dos Rios 3 SSE               30 MPH    0928 PM 03/26   2428
Boonville 7.1 ENE            25 MPH    0110 PM 03/26   2263
Willits 3 ESE                24 MPH    0100 PM 03/26   1457
Redwood Valley 5.3 NW (PGE)  24 MPH    0700 PM 03/26   3187
Boonville 1.9 NE             23 MPH    0140 PM 03/26   1625
Potter Valley Hills          23 MPH    0750 PM 03/26   2253
Comptche 4.9 W (PGE)         23 MPH    0330 PM 03/26   1021
Willits 3.4 NE (PGE)         21 MPH    0510 PM 03/26   1325
Butler Ranch Road            20 MPH    0140 PM 03/26   1744
Willits 5.2 W (PGE)          20 MPH    0300 PM 03/26   1916
POINT ARENA                  10 MPH    0415 PM 03/26   567

...Trinity County...
Horse Ridge Lookout          52 MPH    0840 PM 03/26   6071
Flume Gulch                  43 MPH    0250 PM 03/26   2858
Zenia 1.1 W (PGE)            28 MPH    0450 PM 03/26   2815

...Maritime Stations...
Fairhaven 2 W                66 MPH    1000 PM 03/26
Capetown 18 NW               49 MPH    1200 PM 03/26
Crescent Harbor              43 MPH    0742 PM 03/26
Fort Bragg 17 SW             38 MPH    0340 PM 03/26
Crescent Harbor              35 MPH    0300 PM 03/26

Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying
equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers
for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official.
