![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Quad Cities, IA IL
Issued by NWS Quad Cities, IA IL
678 UMUS43 KDVN 080000 SGLDVN 74455 TTBB 58008 74455 00996 00760 11990 01162 22941 04960 33933 05161 44891 01178 55885 00978 66842 02766 77829 03367 88798 04962 99791 05162 11770 05961 22757 06562 33729 08740 44722 08134 55717 06950 66710 07157 77702 06958 88697 06957 99677 07950 11673 08150 22661 06956 33654 06957 44626 08760 55574 13750 66547 15759 77533 17358 88510 18768 99506 18967 11488 19160 22480 19564 33476 19763 44444 23182 55391 30157 66382 31359 77360 34350 88346 36756 99341 37556 11338 37956 22321 40358 33307 42556 44295 44956 55282 47356 66267 50358 77252 52756 88245 54357 99231 57557 11227 58556 22222 59356 33219 59557 44210 58158 55204 58558 66190 56960 77189 56960 88183 57761 99175 56962 11162 58964 22151 57965 33140 57767 44132 58568 55131 58568 66124 58769 77119 56971 88117 56771 99109 57972 11102 57574 22100 57574 21212 00996 09006 11985 10508 22977 09508 33951 11010 44942 11510 55915 15005 66905 13003 77893 14004 88881 11504 99862 04510 11851 04509 22841 05511 33831 07003 44820 05003 55786 21011 66734 25531 77725 25029 88705 26020 99686 24527 11677 25029 22659 27534 33651 27038 44642 27540 55633 27544 66625 27044 77618 27544 88600 27046 99594 27047 11579 27546 22563 28050 33555 28050 44540 28052 55533 28053 66520 28559 77512 28065 88506 28063 99499 27065 11468 28086 22463 28083 33452 28083 44439 28079 55422 28585 66402 28092 77392 28592 88365 28598 99344 28100 11323 28609 22295 28120 33273 28618 44261 28629 55237 28637 66221 28638 77214 28640 88207 28634 99201 28631 11198 28632 22187 28628 33179 28623 44177 28625 55172 28623 66170 28624 77165 28623 88162 28620 99158 28118 11155 28120 22146 28620 33142 28618 44138 29115 55133 29109 66131 29111 77127 29100 88125 29103 99122 29102 11111 29582 22101 28069 33100 27570 31313 45408 82301 41414 60978 51515 10164 00020 10194 09505 24519 = PPBB 58008 74455 90/12 09006 10508 11010 90345 14505 12005 05511 90678 06002 21011 24025 909// 25031 91012 26020 25029 27039 91345 27544 27046 27546 91678 28050 28053 28063 919// 27065 92012 28083 28083 28079 92356 28585 28593 28598 9289/ 28100 28609 93013 28116 28119 28618 93456 28629 28635 28637 93789 28638 28640 28631 94013 28632 28628 28623 94456 28118 28120 28620 9489/ 29111 29103 95024 29098 29582 28069= NNNN