![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Detroit/Pontiac, MI
Issued by NWS Detroit/Pontiac, MI
813 UFUS43 KDTX 080000 ABVDTX 72632 TTCC 58001 72632 70831 56780 29065 50044 58379 29535 30366 57780 29543 20619 58380 28046 10052 58980 28073 07281 54781 27082 88999 77067 27088 42312 77233 28062 42318 31313 44108 82304= TTDD 5800/ 72632 11807 59977 22754 56780 33702 56580 44666 57979 55614 56780 66581 59378 77578 59378 88524 57180 99477 59179 11472 58979 22462 55582 33448 56381 44441 54382 55394 59578 66378 59179 77371 56981 88334 58579 99296 56980 11255 62177 22245 59579 33218 61978 44207 58580 55197 58979 66190 57381 77181 58380 88166 56780 99154 59179 11115 62577 22108 60979 33104 61578 44100 58980 55096 59380 66092 54982 77090 54982 88088 54582 99086 54982 11081 52183 22070 54782 33066 52584 44064 48186 55054 51583 66052 50984 21212 11813 28078 22617 30047 33573 28555 44480 28537 55452 30537 66422 28027 77372 25035 88335 29037 99308 30039 11283 27537 22257 27045 33233 28062 44221 29051 55192 28043 66187 27039 77181 25543 88162 26543 99149 25046 11139 27046 22109 28058 33094 28076 44083 29076 55077 28069 66067 27088 77057 27576 88052 27088 31313 44108 82304= PPDD 58008 72632 958// 28078 96045 28565 30047 28555 969// 28537 97024 30039 28027 25035 9778/ 29037 30039 98024 27537 27045 28062 98589 29051 28043 25543 99024 25046 26543 25046 995// 27046 86023 28058 28076 29076 86468 28069 27086 27576 869// 27088=