Regional Max/Min Temp and Precipitation Table
Issued by NWS Cheyenne, WY

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ASUS65 KCYS 050024

Regional Temperature and Precipitation Table
National Weather Service Cheyenne WY
515 PM MST Wed Dec 4 2024

Values represent lows over the last 18 hours,
highs over the last 18 hours, and precipitation
over the last 24 hours, ending at 5 pm


:         Southeast Wyoming Airport Locations
:  M indicates missing data
:                               Max   Min
:ID    Location           Elev  Temp  Temp  Pcpn
CYS  : Cheyenne ASOS      6140:  56 /  25 / 0.00
DWX  : Dixon AWOS         6520:   M /  10 /
DGW  : Douglas ASOS       4930:  52 /  19 / 0.00
EHY  : Elk Mountain AWOS  7295:  45 /  32 /
LAR  : Laramie ASOS       7275:  51 /  18 / 0.00
82V  : Pine Bluffs AWOS    5150:  55 /  27 /
RWL  : Rawlins ASOS       6745:  47 /  15 / 0.00
SAA  : Saratoga AWOS      7010:  48 /  18 /
TOR  : Torrington ASOS    4205:  57 /  25 / 0.00
EAN  : Wheatland AWOS     4776:  62 /  28 /
:         Nebraska Panhandle Airport Locations
:  M indicates missing data
:                               Max   Min
:ID    Location           Elev  Temp  Temp  Pcpn
AIA  : Alliance ASOS      3930:  56 /  17 / 0.00
CDR  : Chadron ASOS       3295:  52 /  27 / 0.00
IBM  : Kimball AWOS       4925:  57 /  26 / 0.00
BFF  : Scottsbluff ASOS    3960:  58 /  23 / 0.00
SNY  : Sidney ASOS        4305:  57 /  29 / 0.00
:         Southeast Wyoming Cooperative Observations
:  Values are for the previous 24 hours.  In some weather situations,
:  reported high temperatures may reflect conditions from the
:  previous day.
:  M indicates missing data
:                               Obs     Max  Min         Snow  Snow
:ID    Location           Elev  Time    Temp Temp  Pcpn  Fall  Depth
:         Nebraska Panhandle Cooperative Observations
:  Values are for the previous 24 hours.  In some weather situations,
:  reported high temperatures may reflect conditions from the
:  previous day.
:  M indicates missing data
:                               Obs     Max  Min         Snow  Snow
:ID    Location           Elev  Time    Temp Temp  Pcpn  Fall  Depth
All values provided in this product are preliminary, pending final
certification by the National Centers for Environmental Information.
