Public Information Statement
Issued by NWS Caribou, ME
Issued by NWS Caribou, ME
500 NOUS41 KCAR 092352 PNSCAR MEZ001>006-010-011-015>017-029>032-101152- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Caribou ME 652 PM EST Thu Jan 9 2025 ...HIGHEST WIND REPORTS TODAY... Location Speed Time/Date Provider ...Maine... ...Aroostook County... Frenchville Airport 43 MPH 0502 PM 01/09 ASOS Linneus 37 MPH 0100 PM 01/09 CWOP Caribou 37 MPH 0138 PM 01/09 ASOS Monticello 33 MPH 1002 AM 01/09 CWOP 1 E Houlton 31 MPH 0216 PM 01/09 ASOS Presque Isle Airport 31 MPH 0132 PM 01/09 AWOS Presque Isle 28 MPH 0245 PM 01/09 CWOP Fort Kent 27 MPH 0454 PM 01/09 CWOP CARIBOU 27 MPH 1130 AM 01/09 CWOP ...Hancock County... Bar Harbor, ME 44 MPH 0512 PM 01/09 NOS-NWLON BLUE HILL 42 MPH 1000 AM 01/09 CWOP Winter Harbor-SERC 42 MPH 0116 PM 01/09 CWOP Brooklin School 39 MPH 0330 PM 01/09 CWOP Lamoine 39 MPH 0200 PM 01/09 CWOP Sedgwick Ridge 36 MPH 0515 PM 01/09 CWOP Brooksville - 3.5 ESE 36 MPH 0231 PM 01/09 CWOP Castine 34 MPH 0345 PM 01/09 CWOP East Surry 31 MPH 1200 PM 01/09 CWOP Southwest Hbr.-Seawall 30 MPH 1254 PM 01/09 CWOP Ellsworth 29 MPH 1215 PM 01/09 DAVIS Bar Harbor Airport 28 MPH 0156 PM 01/09 AWOS Lamoine 26 MPH 0405 PM 01/09 CWOP ...Penobscot County... Millinocket 41 MPH 1219 PM 01/09 ASOS Bangor International Airport 38 MPH 0214 PM 01/09 ASOS Bangor 35 MPH 0215 PM 01/09 CWOP Millinocket 32 MPH 0635 PM 01/09 CWOP 2 NE Glenburn 32 MPH 1200 PM 01/09 CWOP Plymouth 29 MPH 0247 PM 01/09 CWOP Greenfield 29 MPH 0100 PM 01/09 CWOP Hermon 28 MPH 0250 PM 01/09 CWOP Kenduskeag 28 MPH 0230 PM 01/09 CWOP Hermon 25 MPH 0135 PM 01/09 DAVIS ...Piscataquis County... Greenville 47 MPH 0549 PM 01/09 ASOS 1 E Greenville 37 MPH 0634 PM 01/09 AWOS 1.0 NE Brownville Junction 25 MPH 0200 PM 01/09 MESOWEST ...Washington County... Cutler Farris Wharf 32 MPH 1248 PM 01/09 NOS-NWLON 1 SW Machias 31 MPH 0119 PM 01/09 AWOS Eastport 30 MPH 1248 PM 01/09 NOS-NWLON 1 SSE Princeton 29 MPH 0449 PM 01/09 AWOS Danforth, ME 27 MPH 0405 PM 01/09 HADS 1 W Eastport 26 MPH 1224 PM 01/09 AWOS ...Maritime Stations... 15 ESE Frenchboro 46 MPH 0500 PM 01/09 NDBC 24 SSE Roque Bluffs 45 MPH 0610 PM 01/09 NDBC 12 SE Cranberry Isles 45 MPH 1104 AM 01/09 NDBC Winter Harbor 27 MPH 0725 AM 01/09 DAVIS && **METADATA** :1/09/2025,0454 PM, ME, Aroostook, Fort Kent, , , 47.2455, -68.582, PKGUST, 27, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,1130 AM, ME, Aroostook, CARIBOU, , , 46.9008, -67.9872, PKGUST, 27, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0245 PM, ME, Aroostook, Presque Isle, , , 46.6863, -67.9947, PKGUST, 28, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0216 PM, ME, Aroostook, 1 E Houlton, , , 46.12, -67.8, PKGUST, 31, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0132 PM, ME, Aroostook, Presque Isle Airport, , , 46.6667, -68.0333, PKGUST, 31, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,1002 AM, ME, Aroostook, Monticello, , , 46.3388, -67.886, PKGUST, 33, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0100 PM, ME, Aroostook, Linneus, , , 46.0673, -67.9853, PKGUST, 37, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0138 PM, ME, Aroostook, Caribou, , , 46.8667, -68.0167, PKGUST, 37, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0502 PM, ME, Aroostook, Frenchville Airport, , , 47.2833, -68.3, PKGUST, 43, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0405 PM, ME, Hancock, Lamoine, , , 44.4593, -68.3383, PKGUST, 26, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0156 PM, ME, Hancock, Bar Harbor Airport, , , 44.45, -68.3667, PKGUST, 28, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,1215 PM, ME, Hancock, Ellsworth, , , 44.5372, -68.4206, PKGUST, 29, mph, DAVIS, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,1254 PM, ME, Hancock, Southwest Hbr.-Seawall, , , 44.251, -68.3, PKGUST, 30, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,1200 PM, ME, Hancock, East Surry, , , 44.4934, -68.4581, PKGUST, 31, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0200 PM, ME, Hancock, Blue Hill, , , 44.4133, -68.5875, PKGUST, 32, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0345 PM, ME, Hancock, Castine, , , 44.39, -68.805, PKGUST, 34, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0515 PM, ME, Hancock, Sedgwick Ridge, , , 44.3572, -68.6138, PKGUST, 36, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0231 PM, ME, Hancock, Brooksville - 3.5 ESE, , , 44.3617, -68.7488, PKGUST, 36, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0330 PM, ME, Hancock, Brooklin School, , , 44.2698, -68.5707, PKGUST, 39, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0200 PM, ME, Hancock, Lamoine, , , 44.495, -68.2719, PKGUST, 39, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,1000 AM, ME, Hancock, BLUE HILL, , , 44.371, -68.5512, PKGUST, 42, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0116 PM, ME, Hancock, Winter Harbor-SERC, , , 44.3357, -68.0621, PKGUST, 42, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0512 PM, ME, Hancock, Bar Harbor, ME, , , 44.3917, -68.205, PKGUST, 44, mph, NOS-NWLON, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0135 PM, ME, Penobscot, Hermon, , , 44.7752, -68.8632, PKGUST, 25, mph, DAVIS, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0250 PM, ME, Penobscot, Hermon, , , 44.8087, -68.9145, PKGUST, 28, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0230 PM, ME, Penobscot, Kenduskeag, , , 44.9228, -68.9225, PKGUST, 28, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0247 PM, ME, Penobscot, Plymouth, , , 44.7955, -69.2588, PKGUST, 29, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0100 PM, ME, Penobscot, Greenfield, , , 45.061, -68.4478, PKGUST, 29, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0635 PM, ME, Penobscot, Millinocket, , , 45.7433, -68.7343, PKGUST, 32, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,1200 PM, ME, Penobscot, 2 NE Glenburn, , , 44.9241, -68.8177, PKGUST, 32, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0215 PM, ME, Penobscot, Bangor, , , 44.8223, -68.7727, PKGUST, 35, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0214 PM, ME, Penobscot, Bangor International Airport, , , 44.8, -68.8167, PKGUST, 38, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,1219 PM, ME, Penobscot, Millinocket, , , 45.65, -68.7, PKGUST, 41, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0200 PM, ME, Piscataquis, 1.0 NE Brownville Junction, , , 45.3583, -69.0365, PKGUST, 25, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0634 PM, ME, Piscataquis, 1 E Greenville, , , 45.4628, -69.5517, PKGUST, 37, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0549 PM, ME, Piscataquis, Greenville, , , 45.4667, -69.55, PKGUST, 47, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,1224 PM, ME, Washington, 1 W Eastport, , , 44.91, -67.0127, PKGUST, 26, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0405 PM, ME, Washington, Danforth, ME, , , 45.6667, -67.8667, PKGUST, 27, mph, HADS, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0449 PM, ME, Washington, 1 SSE Princeton, , , 45.2007, -67.5644, PKGUST, 29, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,1248 PM, ME, Washington, Eastport, , , 44.9066, -66.9849, PKGUST, 30, mph, NOS-NWLON, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,0119 PM, ME, Washington, 1 SW Machias, , , 44.7031, -67.4786, PKGUST, 31, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :1/09/2025,1248 PM, ME, Washington, Cutler Farris Wharf, , , 44.6567, -67.21, PKGUST, 32, mph, NOS-NWLON, Peak Wind Gust, Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official. $$ CB