Daily Hydrometeorological Products
Issued by NWS Columbia, SC

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SXUS52 KCAE 041525

Columbia Hydrologic Area Temperatures And Precipitation
National Weather Service Columbia SC
1025 AM EST Wed Dec 4 2024

:Max...High Temperature last 24 hrs min...Low Temperature last 24 hrs
:Cur...Temperature at Observation....Pcpn...Precipitation last 24 hrs
:Evaporation in inches
:                              Air Temp             Soil Temp
:Station            SID     Max  Min  Cur  Pcpn   Max  Min  Cur  Evap
:...Northern Midlands...
:Bishopville       :BSPS1     43/  20/ 21/  0.00 ////
:Lugoff 2 NE       :LUGS1     50/  19/ 28/  0.00 ////
:Jefferson         :JEFS2     40/  15/ 15/  0.00 ////
:...Central Midlands...
:Batesburg         :BATS1     43/  27/ 31/  0.00 ////
:Cedar Creek       :BLYS1     44/  18/ 18/  0.00 /  52/ 50/ 50/
:Columbia Metro Apt:CAE       46/  21/ 22/  0.00 /  57/ 53/ 53/
:Flotilla Island   :LMFS1     45/  31/ 36/  ////
:Hamilton Owens Apt:CUB       45/  24/ 25/  0.00 ////
:McEntire ANG      :MMT        M/   M/ 22/  0.00 ////
:Pontiac           :PTCS1     42/  22/ 22/  0.00 ////
:Shaw AFB          :SSC        M/   M/ 24/  0.00 ////
:Saluda            :SADS1     45/  21/ 22/  0.00 ////
:St. Matthews      :SMWS1     44/  23/ 23/  0.00 ////
:Sumter            :SMRS1     45/  22/ 22/     M ////
:Swansea           :SWAS1     43/  20/ 20/  0.00 ////
:...Southern Midlands...
:Bamberg           :BAMS1     45/  23/ 37/  0.00 ////
:Manning           :MANS1     44/  20/ 25/  0.00 ////
:Orangeburg Airport:OGB       46/  25/ 25/  0.00 ////
:Salley            :SLYS1     43/  19/ 20/  0.00 ////
:...Central Savannah River Area...
:Aiken             :AKIS1     45/  25/ 27/  0.00 ////
:Augusta Regional  :AGS       47/  22/ 23/  0.00 ////
:Augusta Daniel Apt:DNL       46/  27/ 27/  0.00 ////
:Barnwell          :BNLS1     50/  20/ 28/  0.00 /  49/ 45/ 46/    M
:Clarks Hill       :CHDS1      M/   M/  M/  0.00 ////
:Graniteville      :GNTS1     45/  26/ 27/  0.00 /  51/ 47/ 47/ 0.08
:Johnston          :JOHS1     43/  26/ 33/  0.00 ////
:McCormick         :MCCS1     46/  21/ 22/  0.00 ////
:N. Augusta        :NAGS1     45/  23/ 28/  0.00 ////
: Orangeburg Water Plant data are from midnight to midnight.
:Orangeburg Wtr Plt:ORBS1     46/  27/ 27/  0.00 ////
: Fairfield Pump Storage data is from midnight to midnight.
:                   NWS precipitation only stations
.BR CAE 1204 ES DH07/PPP
:Lincolnton 2       :LNCG2  0.00
:                    USGS Rain Gage stations
:Blackville Clem.   :BLVS1  0.00 , :Chesterfield       :CSFS1  0.00
:Edgefield          :EGFS1  0.00 , :Kiokee Cr. Evans   :EVNG1  0.00
:Waynesb. Girard    :GIRG1  0.00 , :Jefferson          :JEFS1  0.00
:Long Cane          :LCRS1  0.00 , :L. G. Chappells    :LGRS1  0.00
:McBee              :MBES1  0.00 , :McTier Cr. Monetta :MCTS1  0.00
:Columbia Blo Lk M. :MURS1  0.00 , :Newberry           :NEWS1  0.00
:Savannah Butler Crk:NSLG1  0.00 , :Pageland           :PAGS1  0.00
:Santee St. Pauls   :SPLS1  0.00 , :USFS near Jackson  :SRSS1  0.00
:Congaree NP RAWS   :GDNS1  0.00 , :SC Dot Saluda      :SRGS1  0.00
:        NWS precipitation only stations from midnight to midnight
.BR CAE 1204 ES DH12/PPP
:Lake Wateree       :WATS1  0.00