Public Information Statement
Issued by NWS Burlington, VT
Issued by NWS Burlington, VT
355 NOUS41 KBTV 090437 PNSBTV NYZ026>031-034-035-087-VTZ001>011-016>021-091637- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Burlington VT 1137 PM EST Sat Mar 8 2025 ...HIGHEST WIND REPORTS... Location Speed Time/Date Lat/Lon/Elev (ft.) ...New York... ...Clinton County... Ellenburg 49 MPH 1045 AM 03/08 44.90N/73.84W/977 Plattsburgh Bay 42 MPH 1147 AM 03/08 44.70N/73.44W/29 Chazy 41 MPH 0130 PM 03/08 44.90N/73.46W/185 Saranac 39 MPH 0120 PM 03/08 44.71N/73.67W/1029 Plattsburgh International Ai 38 MPH 1247 PM 03/08 44.65N/73.47W/183 Saranac 36 MPH 0130 PM 03/08 44.64N/73.74W/820 ...Essex County... 2.8 S North Elba 49 MPH 0145 PM 03/08 44.24N/73.98W/2018 Loch Muller 43 MPH 1024 AM 03/08 43.85N/73.88W/1738 Ticonderoga 39 MPH 0910 AM 03/08 43.87N/73.42W/274 Port Henry 38 MPH 1245 PM 03/08 44.04N/73.46W/93 North Hudson 35 MPH 0750 AM 03/08 44.01N/73.71W/980 ...Franklin County... Malone 42 MPH 1210 PM 03/08 44.85N/74.33W/775 Gabriels 36 MPH 1145 AM 03/08 44.42N/74.18W/1757 ...St. Lawrence County... Massena Airport 46 MPH 0932 AM 03/08 44.93N/74.85W/200 Louisville 35 MPH 0955 AM 03/08 44.87N/75.06W/279 ...Vermont... ...Addison County... Diamond Island 39 MPH 0130 PM 03/08 44.24N/73.33W/95 Addison 35 MPH 1116 AM 03/08 44.09N/73.32W/134 ...Caledonia County... Burke 46 MPH 0815 PM 03/08 44.57N/71.89W/3186 1.3 W Lyndonville (VTWAC) 43 MPH 1210 PM 03/08 44.54N/72.03W/1069 I-93 - Rt. 18 Waterford 42 MPH 0225 PM 03/08 44.38N/71.92W/1323 2.7 N Sheffield (VTRANS) 35 MPH 0815 PM 03/08 44.64N/72.13W/1478 ...Chittenden County... Colchester Reef 47 MPH 0130 PM 03/08 44.56N/73.33W/95 Burlington Intl Airport 40 MPH 0105 PM 03/08 44.47N/73.15W/331 1.3 E Jonesville (VTRANS) 40 MPH 1234 PM 03/08 44.38N/72.91W/317 Us 2 - Milton Sandbar 37 MPH 1215 PM 03/08 44.63N/73.24W/102 ...Franklin County... Burton Island State Park 38 MPH 0315 PM 03/08 44.77N/73.21W/104 ...Grand Isle County... Us 2 - Alburgh 44 MPH 1205 PM 03/08 45.00N/73.33W/100 Rt 314 - Grand Isle 36 MPH 0325 PM 03/08 44.69N/73.35W/131 ...Lamoille County... 0.8 W Johnson (VTWAC) 38 MPH 0720 AM 03/08 44.64N/72.69W/550 ...Orange County... 1.1 NW Brookfield (VTRANS) 39 MPH 0455 PM 03/08 44.07N/72.61W/1613 ...Orleans County... 2.0 NW Jay (VTRANS) 54 MPH 0435 PM 03/08 44.99N/72.50W/2091 Rt-58 Lowell 45 MPH 0535 PM 03/08 44.82N/72.36W/1603 4.3 SW Jay (VTRANS) 45 MPH 1100 AM 03/08 44.91N/72.50W/2202 Northeast Kingdom Internatio 39 MPH 0555 PM 03/08 44.88N/72.23W/910 3.8 S Westmore (VTRANS) 36 MPH 0615 PM 03/08 44.72N/72.03W/1207 ...Rutland County... 1.1 SW Gifford Woods State P 49 MPH 1220 PM 03/08 43.66N/72.83W/2139 Rutland Airport 38 MPH 0154 PM 03/08 43.52N/72.95W/757 0.7 NW Fair Haven (VTRANS) 37 MPH 0225 PM 03/08 43.60N/73.28W/360 Rt-4 West Rutland 36 MPH 0150 PM 03/08 43.60N/73.07W/562 ...Washington County... Montpelier Airport 43 MPH 1039 AM 03/08 44.20N/72.57W/1132 Worcester 39 MPH 0858 AM 03/08 44.37N/72.54W/1060 BARRE 39 MPH 0250 PM 03/08 44.23N/72.52W/1020 ...Windsor County... Springfield Airport 52 MPH 0252 PM 03/08 43.35N/72.52W/739 Rochester 37 MPH 0100 PM 03/08 43.89N/72.77W/2040 2.6 E Rochester (VTWAC) 37 MPH 0100 PM 03/08 43.89N/72.77W/1930 Rt 100 - Ludlow 35 MPH 0325 PM 03/08 43.35N/72.75W/2227 && **METADATA** :3/08/2025,0130 PM, NY, Clinton, Saranac, , , 44.6398, -73.7386, PKGUST, 36, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,1247 PM, NY, Clinton, Plattsburgh International Airport, , , 44.65, -73.4667, PKGUST, 38, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0120 PM, NY, Clinton, Saranac, , , 44.7076, -73.6712, PKGUST, 39, mph, NYSM, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0130 PM, NY, Clinton, Chazy, , , 44.8957, -73.4646, PKGUST, 41, mph, NYSM, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,1147 AM, NY, Clinton, Plattsburgh Bay, , , 44.6959, -73.436, PKGUST, 42, mph, WXFLOW, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,1045 AM, NY, Clinton, Ellenburg, , , 44.8955, -73.845, PKGUST, 49, mph, NYSM, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0750 AM, NY, Essex, North Hudson, , , 44.0131, -73.7052, PKGUST, 35, mph, NYSM, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,1245 PM, NY, Essex, Port Henry, , , 44.0427, -73.4557, PKGUST, 38, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0910 AM, NY, Essex, Ticonderoga, , , 43.8747, -73.4188, PKGUST, 39, mph, NYSM, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,1024 AM, NY, Essex, Loch Muller, , , 43.8527, -73.8808, PKGUST, 43, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0145 PM, NY, Essex, 2.8 S North Elba, , , 44.2416, -73.9835, PKGUST, 49, mph, NYSM, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,1145 AM, NY, Franklin, Gabriels, , , 44.4174, -74.1787, PKGUST, 36, mph, NYSM, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,1210 PM, NY, Franklin, Malone, , , 44.8529, -74.3289, PKGUST, 42, mph, NYSM, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0955 AM, NY, St. Lawrence, Louisville, , , 44.8717, -75.0561, PKGUST, 35, mph, NYSM, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0932 AM, NY, St. Lawrence, Massena Airport, , , 44.9333, -74.85, PKGUST, 46, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,1116 AM, VT, Addison, Addison, , , 44.0875, -73.3218, PKGUST, 35, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0130 PM, VT, Addison, Diamond Island, , , 44.2368, -73.3334, PKGUST, 39, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0815 PM, VT, Caledonia, 2.7 N Sheffield (VTRANS), , , 44.6389, -72.1307, PKGUST, 35, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0225 PM, VT, Caledonia, I-93 - Rt. 18 Waterford, , , 44.3819, -71.9228, PKGUST, 42, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,1210 PM, VT, Caledonia, 1.3 W Lyndonville (VTWAC), , , 44.5357, -72.0286, PKGUST, 43, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0815 PM, VT, Caledonia, Burke, , , 44.5707, -71.894, PKGUST, 46, mph, DAVIS, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,1215 PM, VT, Chittenden, Us 2 - Milton Sandbar, , , 44.6277, -73.2437, PKGUST, 37, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0105 PM, VT, Chittenden, Burlington Intl Airport, , , 44.4667, -73.15, PKGUST, 40, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,1234 PM, VT, Chittenden, 1.3 E Jonesville (VTRANS), , , 44.3795, -72.9119, PKGUST, 40, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0130 PM, VT, Chittenden, Colchester Reef, , , 44.5551, -73.3292, PKGUST, 47, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0315 PM, VT, Franklin, Burton Island State Park, , , 44.7666, -73.2134, PKGUST, 38, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0325 PM, VT, Grand Isle, Rt 314 - Grand Isle, , , 44.6871, -73.3465, PKGUST, 36, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,1205 PM, VT, Grand Isle, Us 2 - Alburgh, , , 44.999, -73.3317, PKGUST, 44, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0720 AM, VT, Lamoille, 0.8 W Johnson (VTWAC), , , 44.6353, -72.6942, PKGUST, 38, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0455 PM, VT, Orange, 1.1 NW Brookfield (VTRANS), , , 44.0654, -72.6065, PKGUST, 39, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0615 PM, VT, Orleans, 3.8 S Westmore (VTRANS), , , 44.7163, -72.0304, PKGUST, 36, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0555 PM, VT, Orleans, Northeast Kingdom International Airport, , , 44.8833, -72.2333, PKGUST, 39, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0535 PM, VT, Orleans, Rt-58 Lowell, , , 44.8192, -72.3617, PKGUST, 45, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,1100 AM, VT, Orleans, 4.3 SW Jay (VTRANS), , , 44.9126, -72.5041, PKGUST, 45, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0435 PM, VT, Orleans, 2.0 NW Jay (VTRANS), , , 44.9865, -72.5045, PKGUST, 54, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0150 PM, VT, Rutland, Rt-4 West Rutland, , , 43.6044, -73.0653, PKGUST, 36, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0225 PM, VT, Rutland, 0.7 NW Fair Haven (VTRANS), , , 43.6047, -73.2769, PKGUST, 37, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0154 PM, VT, Rutland, Rutland Airport, , , 43.5167, -72.95, PKGUST, 38, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,1220 PM, VT, Rutland, 1.1 SW Gifford Woods State Park (VTRANS), , , 43.6639, -72.8308, PKGUST, 49, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0858 AM, VT, Washington, Worcester, , , 44.3667, -72.5417, PKGUST, 39, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0250 PM, VT, Washington, BARRE, , , 44.2282, -72.5247, PKGUST, 39, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,1039 AM, VT, Washington, Montpelier Airport, , , 44.2, -72.5667, PKGUST, 43, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0325 PM, VT, Windsor, Rt 100 - Ludlow, , , 43.355, -72.7534, PKGUST, 35, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0100 PM, VT, Windsor, Rochester, , , 43.894, -72.7715, PKGUST, 37, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0100 PM, VT, Windsor, 2.6 E Rochester (VTWAC), , , 43.894, -72.7715, PKGUST, 37, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust, :3/08/2025,0252 PM, VT, Windsor, Springfield Airport, , , 43.35, -72.5167, PKGUST, 52, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust, Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official. $$