Drought Information Statement
Issued by NWS Brownsville, TX
Issued by NWS Brownsville, TX
396 AXUS74 KBRO 231638 DGTBRO TXC047-061-215-247-261-427-489-505-301645- Drought Information Statement National Weather Service Brownsville TX 1138 AM CDT Sun Mar 23 2025 ...Extreme Drought Conditions Have Developed Across Zapata, Jim Hogg, and Starr Counties in Deep South Texas... .SYNOPSIS... For local drought information, including graphical support, please visit our website at weather.gov/bro/drought and for our latest drought pdf visit weather.gov/bro/droughtinformationstatement NEXT ISSUANCE DATE... This product will be updated around April 4, 2025, or sooner if drought conditions change significantly. RELATED WEBSITES... For additional information...and the latest weather forecast for Deep South Texas...visit our website at www.weather.gov/bro. You may also visit the National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center website at www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov and get the latest information on reservoir levels from the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC) at www.ibwc.gov. ADDITIONAL WEBSITES... NWS Brownsville Drought Page: http://www.weather.gov/bro/drought NWS Brownsville Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service (AHPS): http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=bro U.S. Drought Monitor: http://droughtmonitor.unl.edu U.S. Drought Portal: http://www.drought.gov National Drought Mitigation Center: http://drought.unl.edu Texas Water Development Board Reservoir Website: https://waterdatafortexas.org/reservoirs/statewide Texas Interagency Coordination Center (TICC): http://ticc.tamu.edu Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (water restrictions): www.tceq.texas.gov/drinkingwater/trot/location.html ACKNOWLEDGMENTS... The Drought Monitor is a multi-agency effort involving NOAA`s National Weather Service and National Centers for Environmental Information...State and Regional Center Climatologists and the National Drought Mitigation Center. Information for this statement has been gathered from NWS and FAA observation sites...the USDA...state AgriLife Extension Service District agents, Texas Inter-agency Coordination Center, Texas Forest Service, state and federal wildlife departments Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) and the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC). QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS... If you have any questions or comments about this drought information statement...please contact... National Weather Service WFO Brownsville/Rio Grande Valley 20 South Vermillion Avenue Brownsville, TX Phone: 956-504-1432 Email: sr-bro.webmaster@noaa.gov $$ Hallman