Public Information Statement
Issued by NWS Boston, MA

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NOUS41 KBOX 091214

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA
814 AM EDT Sun Mar 9 2025


Location                     Speed     Time/Date       Lat/Lon/Elev (ft.)


...Hartford County...
Bradley AP                   48 MPH    0403 PM 03/08   41.94N/72.68W/175
Hartford-Brainard AP         45 MPH    0319 PM 03/08   41.73N/72.65W/11

...Windham County...
Willimantic AP               46 MPH    0308 PM 03/08   41.75N/72.18W/226


...Barnstable County...
Kalmus                       48 MPH    0121 PM 03/08   41.63N/70.28W/33
West Falmouth                47 MPH    0221 PM 03/08   41.60N/70.65W/34
Hyannis AP                   46 MPH    0137 PM 03/08   41.67N/70.27W/32
Hatch Beach                  45 MPH    0825 PM 03/08   41.82N/70.00W/34

...Bristol County...
New Bedford AP               46 MPH    0110 PM 03/08   41.68N/70.95W/96
Horseneck Beach - The Knubbl 46 MPH    0240 PM 03/08   41.51N/71.09W/37

...Dukes County...
Marthas Vineyard AP          45 MPH    0448 PM 03/08   41.40N/70.62W/67

...Essex County...
Children`s Island            52 MPH    1123 AM 03/08   42.51N/70.82W/30
Lawrence AP                  49 MPH    0416 PM 03/08   42.72N/71.13W/26
Beverly AP                   49 MPH    0542 PM 03/08   42.58N/70.92W/87
NEWBURYPORT                  48 MPH    0355 PM 03/08   42.80N/70.84W/36
1.7 NW Swampscott (WEATHERST 47 MPH    0200 PM 03/08   42.48N/70.92W/104
Beverly AP                   47 MPH    0944 AM 03/08   42.58N/70.92W/87
NEWBURYPORT                  46 MPH    0109 PM 03/08   42.80N/70.84W/36
Lawrence AP                  45 MPH    0131 PM 03/08   42.72N/71.13W/26

...Franklin County...
Orange AP                    46 MPH    1108 AM 03/08   42.57N/72.28W/552

...Hampden County...
Mt. Tom                      64 MPH    0235 PM 03/08   42.25N/72.65W/55

...Middlesex County...
Bedford AP                   47 MPH    1032 AM 03/08   42.47N/71.30W/128
Harvard Bridge               47 MPH    0311 PM 03/08   42.35N/71.09W/25

...Norfolk County...
Milton (Blue Hill)           55 MPH    1226 PM 03/08   42.21N/71.11W/636
Wrentham                     49 MPH    1138 AM 03/08   42.04N/71.41W/505
Norwood AP                   48 MPH    0327 PM 03/08   42.18N/71.17W/41
WELLESLEY                    47 MPH    0115 PM 03/08   42.30N/71.30W/164
Norwood AP                   45 MPH    1136 AM 03/08   42.18N/71.17W/41

...Plymouth County...
Plymouth AP                  51 MPH    1141 AM 03/08   41.92N/70.73W/132
Wareham                      45 MPH    0310 PM 03/08   41.74N/70.73W/22

...Suffolk County...
Logan AP                     52 MPH    1046 AM 03/08   42.36N/71.01W/12

...Worcester County...
Worcester AP                 54 MPH    1255 PM 03/08   42.27N/71.87W/1000
Fitchburg AP                 53 MPH    0435 PM 03/08   42.55N/71.75W/355

...Rhode Island...

...Kent County...
RI TF Green AP               49 MPH    0426 PM 03/08   41.72N/71.43W/55

...Newport County...
Rose Island                  47 MPH    0423 PM 03/08   41.50N/71.34W/36
Fogland                      45 MPH    0309 PM 03/08   41.56N/71.22W/40

...Providence County...
Woonsocket                   49 MPH    0300 PM 03/08   41.84N/71.67W/2690
Fox Point                    46 MPH    0306 PM 03/08   41.81N/71.40W

...Washington County...
New Shoreham                 46 MPH    0509 PM 03/08   41.15N/71.55W/144
Block Island Jetty           45 MPH    0525 PM 03/08   41.19N/71.59W/35


...Maritime Stations...
Angelica Point Li            50 MPH    0440 PM 03/08   41.64N/70.76W/31
Deer Island                  50 MPH    0454 PM 03/08   42.34N/70.95W/56
Deer Island                  50 MPH    0229 PM 03/08   42.34N/70.95W/56
Scusset Beach                49 MPH    0214 PM 03/08   41.78N/70.49W/47
Dog Bar Breakwater           49 MPH    0423 PM 03/08   42.58N/70.67W/47
Dog Bar Breakwater           49 MPH    1008 AM 03/08   42.58N/70.67W/47
Dread Ledge                  48 MPH    1039 AM 03/08   42.46N/70.89W/37
Angelica Point Li            47 MPH    0250 PM 03/08   41.64N/70.76W/31
Duxbury                      46 MPH    1235 PM 03/08   42.01N/70.68W/7
3 SE New Bedford             45 MPH    0530 PM 03/08   41.62N/70.91W
9 SE Little Compton          45 MPH    0500 PM 03/08   41.40N/71.03W
Pleasure Bay                 45 MPH    0100 PM 03/08   42.33N/71.02W/30
Courageous Sailing Center    45 MPH    0229 PM 03/08   42.37N/71.05W/71
Courageous Sailing Center    45 MPH    0339 PM 03/08   42.37N/71.05W/71
Woods Hole                   45 MPH    0513 PM 03/08   41.52N/70.68W/39
Scituate                     45 MPH    1034 AM 03/08   42.20N/70.72W/34

...Rhode Island...
Conimicut Light              50 MPH    0524 PM 03/08   41.72N/71.34W
Sabin Point                  49 MPH    0326 PM 03/08   41.76N/71.37W/28
Pt. Judith                   48 MPH    0322 PM 03/08   41.36N/71.50W/54
Bristol Harbor (Castle Islan 47 MPH    0250 PM 03/08   41.65N/71.29W/31
Sabin Point                  46 MPH    0146 PM 03/08   41.76N/71.37W/28
Pt. Judith                   45 MPH    0247 PM 03/08   41.36N/71.50W/54

:3/08/2025,0319 PM, CT, Hartford, Hartford-Brainard AP, , , 41.7333, -72.65, PKGUST, 45, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0403 PM, CT, Hartford, Bradley AP, , , 41.9375, -72.6819, PKGUST, 48, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0308 PM, CT, Windham, Willimantic AP, , , 41.75, -72.1833, PKGUST, 46, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0825 PM, MA, Barnstable, Hatch Beach, , , 41.8174, -70.003, PKGUST, 45, mph, WXFLOW, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0137 PM, MA, Barnstable, Hyannis AP, , , 41.6667, -70.2667, PKGUST, 46, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0221 PM, MA, Barnstable, West Falmouth, , , 41.5972, -70.648, PKGUST, 47, mph, WXFLOW, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0121 PM, MA, Barnstable, Kalmus, , , 41.6349, -70.277, PKGUST, 48, mph, WXFLOW, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0110 PM, MA, Bristol, New Bedford AP, , , 41.6833, -70.95, PKGUST, 46, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0240 PM, MA, Bristol, Horseneck Beach - The Knubble, , , 41.5072, -71.0884, PKGUST, 46, mph, WXFLOW, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0448 PM, MA, Dukes, Marthas Vineyard AP, , , 41.4, -70.62, PKGUST, 45, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0131 PM, MA, Essex, Lawrence AP, , , 42.7167, -71.1333, PKGUST, 45, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0109 PM, MA, Essex, NEWBURYPORT, , , 42.7958, -70.84, PKGUST, 46, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0200 PM, MA, Essex, 1.7 NW Swampscott (WEATHERSTEM), , , 42.4791, -70.9204, PKGUST, 47, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0944 AM, MA, Essex, Beverly AP, , , 42.5833, -70.9167, PKGUST, 47, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0355 PM, MA, Essex, NEWBURYPORT, , , 42.7958, -70.84, PKGUST, 48, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0416 PM, MA, Essex, Lawrence AP, , , 42.7167, -71.1333, PKGUST, 49, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0542 PM, MA, Essex, Beverly AP, , , 42.5833, -70.9167, PKGUST, 49, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,1123 AM, MA, Essex, Children`s Island, , , 42.5133, -70.8164, PKGUST, 52, mph, WXFLOW, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,1108 AM, MA, Franklin, Orange AP, , , 42.5667, -72.2833, PKGUST, 46, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0235 PM, MA, Hampden, Mt. Tom, , , 42.2499, -72.6459, PKGUST, 64, mph, WXFLOW, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,1032 AM, MA, Middlesex, Bedford AP, , , 42.4667, -71.3, PKGUST, 47, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0311 PM, MA, Middlesex, Harvard Bridge, , , 42.3548, -71.0913, PKGUST, 47, mph, WXFLOW, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,1136 AM, MA, Norfolk, Norwood AP, , , 42.1833, -71.1667, PKGUST, 45, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0115 PM, MA, Norfolk, WELLESLEY, , , 42.295, -71.3025, PKGUST, 47, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0327 PM, MA, Norfolk, Norwood AP, , , 42.1833, -71.1667, PKGUST, 48, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,1138 AM, MA, Norfolk, Wrentham, , , 42.0356, -71.405, PKGUST, 49, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,1226 PM, MA, Norfolk, Milton (Blue Hill), , , 42.2121, -71.1142, PKGUST, 55, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0310 PM, MA, Plymouth, Wareham, , , 41.7354, -70.7342, PKGUST, 45, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,1141 AM, MA, Plymouth, Plymouth AP, , , 41.9167, -70.7333, PKGUST, 51, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,1046 AM, MA, Suffolk, Logan AP, , , 42.3606, -71.0106, PKGUST, 52, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0435 PM, MA, Worcester, Fitchburg AP, , , 42.55, -71.75, PKGUST, 53, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,1255 PM, MA, Worcester, Worcester AP, , , 42.2706, -71.8731, PKGUST, 54, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0426 PM, RI, Kent, RI TF Green AP, , , 41.7225, -71.4325, PKGUST, 49, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0309 PM, RI, Newport, Fogland, , , 41.5602, -71.2198, PKGUST, 45, mph, WXFLOW, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0423 PM, RI, Newport, Rose Island, , , 41.4958, -71.3421, PKGUST, 47, mph, WXFLOW, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0306 PM, RI, Providence, Fox Point, , , 41.8071, -71.4012, PKGUST, 46, mph, NOS-NWLON, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0300 PM, RI, Providence, Woonsocket, , , 41.8412, -71.67, PKGUST, 49, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0525 PM, RI, Washington, Block Island Jetty, , , 41.194, -71.5892, PKGUST, 45, mph, WXFLOW, Peak Wind Gust,
:3/08/2025,0509 PM, RI, Washington, New Shoreham, , , 41.1528, -71.5512, PKGUST, 46, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,

Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying
equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers
for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official.
