Tabular State Forecast
Issued by NWS Boise, ID

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FPUS65 KBOI 280249

Tabular State Forecast for Southwest Idaho/Southeast Oregon
National Weather Service Boise ID
848 PM MDT Thu Mar 27 2025

   Daily predominant daytime weather 6AM-6PM
   Forecast temperatures...early morning low/daytime high
         Probability of precipitation nighttime 6PM-6AM/daytime 6AM-6PM
          - indicates temperatures below zero
         MM indicates missing data

   FCST     FCST     FCST     FCST     FCST     FCST     FCST
   Fri      Sat      Sun      Mon      Tue      Wed      Thu
   Mar 28   Mar 29   Mar 30   Mar 31   Apr 01   Apr 02   Apr 03

...Southwest Idaho Valleys...
   Shwrs    Shwrs    Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Shwrs
   45/57    39/54    35/59    41/57    36/53    34/56    39/57
    10/60    30/50    00/00    50/80    70/30    30/30    40/50

   Shwrs    Shwrs    Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Shwrs
   45/58    39/56    34/61    40/59    36/56    34/58    38/59
    10/70    40/50    00/00    50/80    60/30    20/30    40/50

   Shwrs    Shwrs    Ptcldy   Shwrs    Snoshwr  Ptcldy   Shwrs
   47/59    40/57    35/60    41/59    36/55    34/58    39/59
    20/80    50/50    00/00    60/90    70/50    30/30    40/60

   Shwrs    Shwrs    Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Shwrs
   47/58    40/56    35/60    42/59    37/55    35/57    39/59
    10/80    50/50    00/00    50/80    60/30    20/30    40/50

   Mountain Home
   Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Shwrs
   40/59    36/55    30/60    38/58    33/53    32/56    35/57
    10/20    20/40    00/00    40/80    60/30    20/30    30/50

   Shwrs    Shwrs    Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Shwrs
   45/57    39/55    34/60    41/59    36/54    34/57    39/59
    10/70    40/50    00/00    50/80    60/30    20/30    40/50

   Shwrs    Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Shwrs
   46/58    40/57    33/59    39/56    36/55    34/57    38/57
    10/70    40/30    00/00    60/80    60/30    20/30    40/50

   Shwrs    Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Shwrs
   44/56    38/55    32/57    38/55    34/53    32/54    36/55
    10/80    50/40    00/00    60/90    60/40    20/30    40/50

   Wildlife Refuge/Deer Flat /average/
   Shwrs    Shwrs    Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Shwrs
   46/57    40/55    34/59    41/57    36/54    34/56    38/57
    10/70    40/50    00/00    50/80    60/30    20/30    40/50

...West Central and Boise Mountains...
   Snoshwr  Snoshwr  Ptcldy   Snoshwr  Snoshwr  Ptcldy   Snoshwr
   33/43    28/42    20/44    27/41    23/37    16/39    21/40
    40/90    60/70    10/00    70/100   90/70    40/40    50/70

   Shwrs    Snoshwr  Ptcldy   Shwrs    Snoshwr  Ptcldy   Snoshwr
   42/52    37/52    30/53    37/51    31/47    28/49    32/50
    30/90    70/70    10/00    60/90    80/60    30/40    40/60

   Idaho City
   Snoshwr  Snoshwr  Ptcldy   Snoshwr  Snoshwr  Snoshwr  Snoshwr
   35/52    30/50    25/53    30/50    25/46    22/49    26/50
    30/80    60/60    10/00    70/100   90/70    40/50    50/70

   Snoshwr  Snoshwr  Ptcldy   Snoshwr  Snoshwr  Snoshwr  Snoshwr
   34/42    28/41    20/43    27/41    22/36    18/39    23/39
    40/90    70/80    20/00    60/100   90/70    30/50    40/70

   Payette State River Mgmt Area/Crouch near 3500 ft MSL/average/
   Shwrs    Snoshwr  Ptcldy   Shwrs    Snoshwr  Ptcldy   Snoshwr
   38/52    34/50    28/52    34/48    29/45    25/47    29/49
    30/80    50/60    10/00    70/100   80/60    30/40    40/70

...Southeast Oregon...
   Baker City
   Shwrs    Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Snoshwr
   42/54    34/50    27/54    33/52    27/49    27/50    31/49
    10/70    60/20    00/00    40/70    40/20    10/20    30/50

   Snoshwr  Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Snoshwr  Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Snoshwr
   38/51    30/48    26/51    30/46    24/44    23/46    29/46
    20/70    40/10    00/10    60/80    40/30    30/30    40/60

   Rome Airport KREO
   Mocldy   Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Ptcldy
   39/56    33/52    28/57    34/56    28/50    27/54    31/55
    00/30    20/20    00/00    30/60    50/20    20/20    30/40

   Jordan Valley/Rome/Owyhee Canyon near 4000 ft MSL/average/
   Snoshwr  Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Snoshwr
   39/54    34/50    29/56    36/54    29/48    28/52    33/54
    10/50    30/30    00/00    40/80    60/30    30/30    40/60

   Malheur Wildlife Refuge/Frenchglen near 4000 ft MSL/average/
   Snoshwr  Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Snoshwr  Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Snoshwr
   40/51    32/47    30/52    35/48    27/45    27/48    31/47
    10/70    30/20    00/10    60/90    50/40    30/40    50/60

   Shwrs    Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Shwrs
   46/58    40/57    33/61    40/58    37/56    34/58    37/58
    10/70    40/30    00/00    50/80    60/30    20/30    40/50

   Steens Mountain National Recreation Lands near 6000 ft MSL/avg/
   Snoshwr  Ptcldy   Mocldy   Snoshwr  Snoshwr  Snoshwr  Snoshwr
   33/44    26/40    26/46    32/42    24/38    25/42    29/42
    10/70    60/40    00/30    80/90    80/70    60/50    60/80

...South Central Idaho...
   Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Snoshwr  Snoshwr  Ptcldy   Snoshwr
   25/44    22/43    17/43    23/41    18/36    15/39    18/40
    30/20    10/20    10/00    40/90    70/50    30/30    40/60

   Glenns Ferry
   Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Shwrs    Snoshwr  Ptcldy   Shwrs
   40/61    38/57    32/61    40/59    36/54    34/57    37/59
    20/20    20/40    00/00    40/90    70/50    20/30    40/60

   Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Shwrs    Snoshwr  Ptcldy   Snoshwr
   38/58    35/54    31/56    38/54    33/49    32/53    34/54
    20/20    10/40    00/00    40/90    70/50    20/30    30/60

   Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Snoshwr
   39/55    35/51    32/56    38/54    33/47    32/52    34/53
    20/10    10/40    00/00    30/80    60/40    20/30    30/50

   Twin Falls
   Ptcldy   Snoshwr  Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Snoshwr
   41/56    37/50    33/56    38/56    33/48    32/52    34/54
    20/20    10/50    00/00    20/80    60/40    20/30    30/50
