Daily Hydrometeorological Products
Issued by NWS Boise, ID
Issued by NWS Boise, ID
765 SXUS55 KBOI 121500 HYDBOI Idzall-orz061>064-131500- Daily Hydrometeorological Data Summary National Weather Service Boise ID 900 AM MDT Wed Mar 12 2025 These river observations and forecasts are intended to help people who are planning recreational activities near the following river locations. It is important to note that flowing water can be very dangerous even when the river is below levels which are generally considered safe for rafting and other recreational uses. River users should always be prepared for unforecast and changing river conditions especially below dams where rapid fluctuations are possible. River Location Observed Forecast Valid 6 AM Each Day Wed Mar 12 Thu Fri Sat Sun Boise River At Boise Glenwood Bridge Stage In Feet..... 3.60 3.65 3.90 4.80 4.80 Flow In CFS ..... 370 391 507 1022 1024 North Fork Of Payette River Below Cascade Dam Flow In CFS ..... 633 800 800 800 800 South Fork Of Payette River At Lowman Stage In Feet..... 3.58 3.61 3.74 3.62 3.57 Flow In CFS ..... 537 556 657 565 526 Payette River At Horseshoe Bend Stage In Feet..... 5.50 5.81 6.32 5.75 5.42 Flow In CFS ..... 2700 3007 3568 2948 2625 Owyhee River nr Rome (Forecast is for Owyhee Lake inflow) Flow In CFS ..... 1922 2266 3006 3318 2393 Bruneau River At Hot Springs Stage In Feet..... 5.40 5.36 5.37 5.36 5.33 Flow In CFS ..... 310 292 296 289 275 Snake River Below Swan Falls Dam Flow In CFS ..... 6821 6602 6627 6645 6651 Snake River Below Hells Canyon Dam Flow In CFS ..... 29955 27301 27301 27301 27301 Salmon River At Salmon Stage In Feet..... M 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.23 Flow In CFS ..... M 1062 1067 1078 1062 Middle Fork Of Salmon River At Middle Fork Lodge Stage In Feet..... 1.70 1.65 1.58 1.52 1.49 Flow In CFS ..... 640 601 541 497 478 Middle Fork Of Salmon River At Shoup Flow In CFS ..... 1162 M M M M South Fork Of Salmon River At Krassel Ranger Station Flow In CFS ..... 256 M M M M Little Salmon River At Riggins Stage In Feet..... 3.55 3.90 4.06 4.02 3.91 Flow In CFS ..... 583 763 854 828 769 Salmon River At White Bird Stage In Feet..... 13.18 13.15 13.27 13.32 13.29 Flow In CFS ..... 5102 5057 5259 5369 5311 Locsha River At Lowell Stage In Feet..... 3.12 3.28 3.67 3.15 2.86 Flow In CFS ..... 1585 1807 2404 1630 1269 Selway River At Lowell Stage In Feet..... 4.25 4.21 4.54 4.46 4.21 Flow In CFS ..... 1930 1874 2383 2253 1871 Clear Water River At Stites Stage In Feet..... 3.49 3.78 4.13 3.77 3.77 Flow In CFS ..... 638 896 1282 884 884 Clear Water River At Orofino Stage In Feet..... 5.23 5.31 6.20 6.17 5.80 Flow In CFS ..... 6747 6967 9655 9548 8380 $$