Public Information Statement
Issued by NWS Gaylord, MI

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NOUS43 KAPX 050455

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Gaylord MI
1155 PM EST Sat Jan 4 2025


Location                     Speed     Time/Date       Lat/Lon


...Alcona County...
4 NNE Harrisville            33 MPH    0250 PM 01/04   44.71N/83.27W
Barton City                  31 MPH    0246 PM 01/04   44.66N/83.59W

...Alpena County...
Alpena - Phelps Collins Fiel 39 MPH    0242 PM 01/04   45.07N/83.57W
Alpena, MI                   35 MPH    0506 PM 01/04   45.06N/83.43W

...Charlevoix County...
Charlevoix - Municipal Arpt  36 MPH    0249 PM 01/04   45.30N/85.27W
Beaver Island                31 MPH    0808 PM 01/04   45.70N/85.57W
Charlevoix                   30 MPH    0300 AM 01/04   45.25N/85.32W

...Cheboygan County...
Mackinaw City, MI            38 MPH    1212 PM 01/04   45.78N/84.73W
Cheboygan - Cheboygan County 35 MPH    1055 AM 01/04   45.65N/84.52W
Indian River                 31 MPH    0935 AM 01/04   45.40N/84.61W

...Chippewa County...
Point Iroquois, MI           51 MPH    0624 PM 01/04   46.48N/84.63W
Sault Ste Marie - Municipal  45 MPH    0315 PM 01/04   46.47N/84.37W
S.W. Pier, MI                45 MPH    0506 PM 01/04   46.50N/84.37W
Dafter T26                   43 MPH    0650 AM 01/04   46.37N/84.43W
Little Rapids, MI            40 MPH    0506 PM 01/04   46.49N/84.30W
Whitefish Point              39 MPH    0840 AM 01/04   46.76N/84.97W
Kinross - Chippewa County In 38 MPH    0120 PM 01/04   46.25N/84.47W
Trout Lake                   35 MPH    0423 PM 01/04   46.19N/84.98W
Detour                       34 MPH    1254 PM 01/04   45.97N/84.09W
Drummond Island              31 MPH    0355 PM 01/04   46.00N/83.75W
Rudyard                      30 MPH    0314 PM 01/04   46.24N/84.51W

...Emmet County...
Pellston - Rgnl Airport Of E 38 MPH    0833 PM 01/04   45.57N/84.80W
Ncmc                         35 MPH    0500 AM 01/04   45.36N/84.94W
Petoskey                     35 MPH    0628 AM 01/04   45.36N/84.95W

...Grand Traverse County...
Mdot Site                    30 MPH    0519 AM 01/04   44.76N/85.52W

...Iosco County...
Tawas Point                  40 MPH    0453 PM 01/04   44.25N/83.46W
Oscoda - Wurtsmith AFB       36 MPH    0226 PM 01/04   44.45N/83.40W

...Leelanau County...
1.5 W Northport (MAWN)       35 MPH    0900 AM 01/04   45.14N/85.65W
Ess 1 Mm-22 At North Eagle H 32 MPH    0229 AM 01/04   45.06N/85.70W
0.8 NE Bingham (MAWN)        32 MPH    0300 AM 01/04   44.88N/85.68W

...Mackinac County...
M-134-W At Cedarville - La 1 36 MPH    0609 PM 01/04   46.00N/84.36W

...Ogemaw County...
West Branch                  38 MPH    0115 PM 01/04   44.25N/84.18W

...Oscoda County...
Mio                          32 MPH    1232 PM 01/04   44.68N/84.13W

...Otsego County...
Gaylord - Otsego County Airp 32 MPH    1029 PM 01/04   45.02N/84.68W

...Presque Isle County...
Rogers City                  36 MPH    0345 PM 01/04   45.40N/83.92W
Rogers City - Presque Isle C 33 MPH    1035 PM 01/04   45.40N/83.82W
2.1 NW Metz (MAWN)           32 MPH    1200 PM 01/04   45.30N/83.85W
Rogers City                  31 MPH    0720 AM 01/04   45.42N/83.81W

...Roscommon County...
Houghton Lake - Roscommon Co 37 MPH    0136 PM 01/04   44.35N/84.67W

...Maritime Stations...
1 NNE Cheboygan              66 MPH    0545 AM 01/04   45.66N/84.46W
30 E Presque Isle            49 MPH    0650 PM 01/04   45.35N/82.84W
West Neebish Island, MI      40 MPH    0242 PM 01/04   46.28N/84.21W
19 N Huron Beach             40 MPH    0700 AM 01/04   45.77N/84.14W
27 NE Port Hope              40 MPH    1040 PM 01/04   44.28N/82.42W
6 NE Northport               39 MPH    0640 AM 01/04   45.21N/85.55W
Leland Harbor                38 MPH    0707 AM 01/04   45.02N/85.76W
Oscoda Light                 38 MPH    1105 AM 01/04   44.41N/83.32W
Mackinac Island              37 MPH    0907 AM 01/04   45.85N/84.63W
Northport                    37 MPH    1015 AM 01/04   45.20N/85.60W
1 SE Alpena                  36 MPH    1100 AM 01/04   45.06N/83.42W
De Tour Village, MI          35 MPH    0148 PM 01/04   45.99N/83.90W
Frankfort Light              35 MPH    0426 AM 01/04   44.63N/86.25W
Beaver Island                30 MPH    0745 AM 01/04   45.63N/85.61W

:1/04/2025,0246 PM, MI, Alcona, Barton City, , , 44.6648, -83.5876, PKGUST, 31, mph, RAWS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0250 PM, MI, Alcona, 4 NNE Harrisville, , , 44.713, -83.273, PKGUST, 33, mph, NDBC, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0506 PM, MI, Alpena, Alpena, MI, , , 45.063, -83.4286, PKGUST, 35, mph, NOS-NWLON, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0242 PM, MI, Alpena, Alpena - Phelps Collins Field, , , 45.0667, -83.5667, PKGUST, 39, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0300 AM, MI, Charlevoix, Charlevoix, , , 45.2547, -85.3196, PKGUST, 30, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0808 PM, MI, Charlevoix, Beaver Island, , , 45.7, -85.5667, PKGUST, 31, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0249 PM, MI, Charlevoix, Charlevoix - Municipal Arpt, , , 45.3, -85.2667, PKGUST, 36, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0935 AM, MI, Cheboygan, Indian River, , , 45.4023, -84.6098, PKGUST, 31, mph, DAVIS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,1055 AM, MI, Cheboygan, Cheboygan - Cheboygan County Arpt, , , 45.65, -84.5167, PKGUST, 35, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,1212 PM, MI, Cheboygan, Mackinaw City, MI, , , 45.7779, -84.7253, PKGUST, 38, mph, NOS-NWLON, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0314 PM, MI, Chippewa, Rudyard, , , 46.2408, -84.5111, PKGUST, 30, mph, RAWS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0355 PM, MI, Chippewa, Drummond Island, , , 46, -83.75, PKGUST, 31, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,1254 PM, MI, Chippewa, Detour, , , 45.9723, -84.0856, PKGUST, 34, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0423 PM, MI, Chippewa, Trout Lake, , , 46.1899, -84.9811, PKGUST, 35, mph, RAWS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0120 PM, MI, Chippewa, Kinross - Chippewa County International Arpt, , , 46.25, -84.4667, PKGUST, 38, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0840 AM, MI, Chippewa, Whitefish Point, , , 46.76, -84.97, PKGUST, 39, mph, NDBC, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0506 PM, MI, Chippewa, Little Rapids, MI, , , 46.4857, -84.3018, PKGUST, 40, mph, NOS-NWLON, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0650 AM, MI, Chippewa, Dafter T26, , , 46.3747, -84.4344, PKGUST, 43, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0315 PM, MI, Chippewa, Sault Ste Marie - Municipal Airport, , , 46.4667, -84.3667, PKGUST, 45, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0506 PM, MI, Chippewa, S.W. Pier, MI, , , 46.5011, -84.3726, PKGUST, 45, mph, NOS-NWLON, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0624 PM, MI, Chippewa, Point Iroquois, MI, , , 46.4845, -84.6309, PKGUST, 51, mph, NOS-NWLON, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0500 AM, MI, Emmet, Ncmc, , , 45.3558, -84.9371, PKGUST, 35, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0628 AM, MI, Emmet, Petoskey, , , 45.3613, -84.9511, PKGUST, 35, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0833 PM, MI, Emmet, Pellston - Rgnl Airport Of Emmet County, , , 45.5667, -84.8, PKGUST, 38, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0519 AM, MI, Grand Traverse, Mdot Site, , , 44.7556, -85.5197, PKGUST, 30, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0226 PM, MI, Iosco, Oscoda - Wurtsmith AFB, , , 44.45, -83.4, PKGUST, 36, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0453 PM, MI, Iosco, Tawas Point, , , 44.2484, -83.4592, PKGUST, 40, mph, WXFLOW, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0229 AM, MI, Leelanau, Ess 1 Mm-22 At North Eagle Hwy, , , 45.0577, -85.6994, PKGUST, 32, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0300 AM, MI, Leelanau, 0.8 NE Bingham (MAWN), , , 44.8831, -85.6777, PKGUST, 32, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0900 AM, MI, Leelanau, 1.5 W Northport (MAWN), , , 45.1356, -85.6508, PKGUST, 35, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0609 PM, MI, Mackinac, M-134-W At Cedarville - La 16.9, , , 45.9995, -84.3633, PKGUST, 36, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0115 PM, MI, Ogemaw, West Branch, , , 44.25, -84.1833, PKGUST, 38, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,1232 PM, MI, Oscoda, Mio, , , 44.6761, -84.1283, PKGUST, 32, mph, RAWS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,1029 PM, MI, Otsego, Gaylord - Otsego County Airport, , , 45.0167, -84.6833, PKGUST, 32, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0720 AM, MI, Presque Isle, Rogers City, , , 45.4175, -83.8109, PKGUST, 31, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,1200 PM, MI, Presque Isle, 2.1 NW Metz (MAWN), , , 45.2994, -83.8528, PKGUST, 32, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,1035 PM, MI, Presque Isle, Rogers City - Presque Isle County Arpt, , , 45.4, -83.8167, PKGUST, 33, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0345 PM, MI, Presque Isle, Rogers City, , , 45.398, -83.922, PKGUST, 36, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/04/2025,0136 PM, MI, Roscommon, Houghton Lake - Roscommon County Airport, , , 44.35, -84.6667, PKGUST, 37, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,

Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying
equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers
for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official.
