![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Annette, AK
Issued by NWS Annette, AK
938 UMAK17 PANT 080001 COR SGLANN 70398 TTBB 58008 70398 00018 02063 11927 05559 22883 09156 33838 11524 44833 10934 55822 11727 66813 12131 77808 11748 88800 12145 99789 11558 11786 11558 22781 11762 33752 13959 44749 13960 55747 13565 66734 14563 77716 15365 88683 18360 99647 20963 11642 21361 22638 21365 33633 21766 44631 21965 55623 22566 66606 23174 77603 22980 88601 23180 99598 22773 11597 22966 22591 23566 33576 25163 44571 25365 55549 27763 66505 31969 77502 32369 88449 38360 99446 37567 11443 37173 22433 36382 33394 38383 44360 43176 55343 44573 66312 48969 77277 52566 88263 53170 99240 50577 11234 50978 22222 48381 33203 49781 44191 48182 55179 48782 66168 46184 77153 48782 88144 47384 99140 48783 11135 46984 22127 48783 33112 45985 44100 47784 21212 00018 30507 11005 33010 22985 34511 33937 32512 44900 35510 55865 00514 66794 33020 77764 33520 88729 32026 99699 33528 11643 32029 22602 34032 33463 34037 44437 34558 55334 35087 66304 35089 77278 34586 88239 32553 99223 34045 11208 32033 22190 33049 33167 32029 44160 33027 55146 33039 66132 31030 77121 33030 88108 32522 99107 31521 11100 29525 31313 44108 82305 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00091 10181 10194 34512 33023= PPBB 58008 70398 90/12 30507 34511 33012 90346 34012 35513 33522 90789 33519 33023 32525 91024 33528 32029 34032 916// 34037 92015 34039 34558 35069 9279/ 35087 35089 93014 34584 34586 32553 93679 34045 32033 33049 94235 32029 33027 33039 9479/ 31030 33030 95024 32534 32522 31025=