![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Annette, AK
Issued by NWS Annette, AK
807 UFAK47 PANT 080000 ABVANN 70398 TTCC 58001 70398 70840 51183 30018 50057 50983 33018 30388 52582 34529 20648 52783 35549 10092 55781 35560 07322 52582 36090 88999 77055 00620 431// 77093 36075 42127 31313 44108 82305= TTDD 5800/ 70398 11841 50782 22783 49983 33710 53382 44698 51183 55631 55180 66584 54381 77571 51783 88537 53382 99527 51783 11497 50583 22488 50583 33440 52582 44412 50783 55397 52782 66363 50184 77340 52382 88321 51583 99306 53382 11291 52382 22258 55181 33225 55181 44205 54782 55199 52783 66186 53782 77170 51383 88147 56980 99145 55581 11140 57180 22123 54382 33108 56780 44103 54982 55098 56180 66086 51783 77083 51783 88080 52782 99075 50984 11066 52982 22058 50384 33055 51383 44051 47785 21212 11970 31025 22868 30037 33847 30538 44743 32532 55694 29517 66677 28021 77597 29535 88586 30038 99567 32034 11532 32025 22511 34022 33490 31017 44460 33520 55451 32514 66443 29511 77439 28011 88415 34024 99398 35524 11367 35036 22343 34029 33306 35029 44285 32032 55273 32527 66264 34025 77258 35526 88236 34037 99204 35053 11178 34550 22169 34033 33158 35544 44146 34542 55106 35065 66101 35560 77093 36075 88080 35050 99070 36090 11067 36083 22062 00600 33059 00590 44055 00620 55051 36112 31313 44108 82305= PPDD 58008 70398 9547/ 31025 30538 96025 32533 28021 30038 96678 32034 32025 34022 969// 31017 97013 32522 32514 34024 97457 35524 35036 34029 979// 35029 98012 33528 32032 32527 98358 35526 34037 35053 99012 34045 34550 34033 9935/ 35544 34542 86012 35064 35065 35560 86356 36075 35050 36087 86789 36083 00600 00590 8701/ 00620 36112=