![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Anchorage, AK
Issued by NWS Anchorage, AK
300 UMAK18 PAFC 080001 COR SGLANC 70273 TTBB 58008 70273 00018 06124 11012 07517 22006 07918 33002 07932 44001 07546 55995 06157 66991 05756 77989 04958 88980 04160 99971 03160 11965 03361 22962 02362 33950 01962 44940 01563 55939 01563 66931 01761 77928 01758 88911 02558 99867 05156 11850 03758 22842 04158 33838 03562 44830 03365 55818 03366 66742 09962 77738 09963 88735 09367 99696 12168 11674 13171 22669 13169 33656 14366 44637 15969 55570 23162 66554 24765 77547 24570 88538 25365 99535 25566 11528 24374 22525 24778 33445 32577 44396 38974 55334 45575 66280 54167 77261 56371 88233 59763 99221 56769 11212 55773 22206 56574 33177 50581 44167 52181 55155 50583 66115 51584 77103 49985 88100 50784 21212 00018 35501 11885 22510 22804 24506 33786 26010 44760 25014 55745 27014 66697 30026 77572 30542 88542 30031 99477 29539 11258 28022 22232 27531 33197 29027 44192 30523 55183 28031 66167 28536 77160 30028 88150 28536 99139 31027 11129 27529 22100 29035 31313 44208 82306 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00091 10181 10194 21006 26512= PPBB 58008 70273 90/12 35501 02002 18007 90346 20007 23010 25007 90789 26010 25514 27516 91024 30026 30034 30039 91569 30542 30034 29539 9205/ 29536 29530 93035 28530 28022 27531 939// 29027 94023 28031 28536 30028 94568 28536 31027 27529 9504/ 27536 29541=