Flood Potential Outlook
Issued by NWS Anchorage, AK
Issued by NWS Anchorage, AK
805 FGAK78 PAFC 231306 ESFAFC AKZ102-103-112-121-126-145-240000- Hydrologic Outlook National Weather Service Anchorage AK 406 AM AKST Thu Jan 23 2025 ...WARM TEMPERATURES, WIDESPREAD RAINFALL AND ELEVATED SNOW LEVELS COULD LEAD TO FLOODING CONCERNS THIS WEEKEND... Warmer weather and periodic heavy rains across southcentral Alaska starting Friday, could lead to flooding along area creeks and streams, with standing water possible for low roads and other flood prone areas. Snow levels are also expected to rise which could further impact streamflow acrosss the area. Any ice covered waterways could experience ice movement or jams, and open streams could be impacted by heavy rainfall, resulting in flooding. In addition, high water may impact areas influenced by channel debris or gravel transport. Additional watch products can be expected as confidence in this event increases. People with property along area rivers and streams should remain aware for degrading conditions this weekend. $$ Markle