Tabular State Forecast
Issued by NWS Albuquerque, NM
Issued by NWS Albuquerque, NM
513 FPUS65 KABQ 092102 SFTABQ NMZ201>241-100945- Tabular State Forecast for North and Central New Mexico National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 302 PM MDT Sun Mar 9 2025 Rows Include... Daily predominant daytime weather 6AM-6PM Forecast temperatures...early morning low/daytime high Probability of precipitation nighttime 6PM-6AM/daytime 6AM-6PM - indicates temperatures below zero MM indicates missing data FCST FCST FCST FCST FCST FCST FCST Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mar 10 Mar 11 Mar 12 Mar 13 Mar 14 Mar 15 Mar 16 ...NORTHWEST NEW MEXICO... Farmington Sunny Ptcldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Windy Sunny Sunny 23/61 28/62 34/58 33/58 31/43 22/48 24/57 00/00 00/00 10/00 00/50 60/40 00/10 00/00 Dulce Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Ptcldy Mocldy Ptcldy Sunny 16/61 18/59 23/54 25/53 23/39 8/44 10/52 00/00 00/00 10/10 00/50 80/40 00/20 00/00 Cuba Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Ptcldy Windy Ptcldy Sunny 22/61 26/60 30/53 28/54 23/38 15/43 18/55 00/00 00/00 10/10 00/30 70/40 00/10 00/00 ...WEST CENTRAL NEW MEXICO... Gallup Sunny Ptcldy Ptcldy Ptcldy Windy Ptcldy Sunny 14/64 17/62 24/54 24/56 22/39 11/47 14/58 00/00 00/00 10/10 00/30 70/30 00/10 00/00 El Morro Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Ptcldy Windy Ptcldy Sunny 26/61 26/59 30/51 28/55 23/34 18/43 20/56 00/00 00/00 20/20 00/20 80/40 10/10 00/00 Grants Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Ptcldy Windy Ptcldy Sunny 18/65 19/64 27/56 23/59 23/40 16/48 18/61 00/00 00/00 10/10 00/20 70/30 00/10 00/00 Quemado Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Ptcldy Windy Ptcldy Sunny 22/63 24/60 30/55 29/57 24/36 17/46 20/60 00/00 00/00 30/20 00/30 80/40 00/10 00/00 Datil Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Ptcldy Windy Ptcldy Sunny 26/61 27/60 30/56 29/57 24/36 21/47 24/59 00/00 00/00 10/10 00/20 60/20 00/00 00/00 Glenwood Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Ptcldy Mocldy Sunny Sunny 20/70 23/67 28/61 28/63 28/45 19/55 23/66 00/00 00/00 40/30 00/40 90/40 10/10 00/00 ...NORTH CENTRAL NEW MEXICO... Chama Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Ptcldy Mocldy Ptcldy Sunny 20/54 21/53 24/49 26/47 20/32 6/38 12/46 00/00 00/00 10/10 00/30 80/50 00/10 00/00 Los Alamos Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Sunny Ptcldy Sunny Sunny 31/60 32/59 35/55 34/54 28/38 22/44 26/55 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/20 60/30 00/10 00/00 Pecos Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Windy Sunny Sunny 28/60 29/59 30/57 31/57 26/39 21/46 24/56 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/10 50/20 00/10 00/00 Cerro/Questa Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Sunny Mocldy Ptcldy Sunny 27/58 28/56 29/53 29/53 25/36 14/41 20/50 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/10 60/30 00/10 00/00 Red River Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Sunny Windy Ptcldy Sunny 19/50 23/48 25/44 26/44 20/27 10/32 15/41 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/10 60/40 00/10 00/00 Angel Fire Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Sunny Windy Ptcldy Sunny 8/55 14/54 22/49 24/50 21/33 11/38 16/47 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/10 50/30 00/20 00/00 Taos Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Sunny Windy Ptcldy Sunny 18/59 20/59 23/57 23/56 24/41 12/46 17/55 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/10 60/30 00/00 00/00 Mora Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Windy Sunny Sunny 24/62 25/60 26/55 27/57 24/38 16/44 20/56 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/10 40/20 00/10 00/00 Espanola Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Sunny Ptcldy Sunny Sunny 23/67 24/67 31/63 29/61 30/46 19/52 22/62 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/10 50/20 00/00 00/00 Santa Fe Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Sunny Windy Sunny Sunny 31/60 32/61 34/57 33/57 28/39 23/46 26/56 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/10 50/30 00/10 00/00 ...CENTRAL NEW MEXICO... Albuquerque Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Sunny Windy Sunny Sunny 32/67 34/67 41/64 37/65 34/48 28/55 30/64 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 40/20 00/00 00/00 Los Lunas Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Sunny Windy Sunny Sunny 20/68 21/70 36/66 31/68 33/51 25/58 26/67 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 40/20 00/00 00/00 Rio Rancho Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Sunny Windy Sunny Sunny 31/68 34/68 41/63 36/65 33/49 27/54 29/64 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/10 40/30 00/00 00/00 Socorro Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Windy Sunny Sunny 29/71 31/73 40/69 37/70 35/53 29/62 30/70 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 40/20 00/00 00/00 Sandia Park/Cedar Crest Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Windy Sunny Sunny 31/61 33/61 37/56 34/59 28/41 24/47 27/57 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/10 60/30 00/10 00/00 Tijeras Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Sunny Windy Sunny Sunny 32/62 34/63 38/59 35/61 30/43 25/50 28/59 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/10 60/30 00/10 00/00 Moriarty/Estancia Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Windy Sunny Sunny 16/67 19/66 29/61 25/64 26/46 18/52 20/62 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 40/20 00/00 00/00 Clines Corners Sunny Sunny Sunny Dust Windy Windy Sunny 27/63 28/62 31/56 30/60 24/42 20/48 24/58 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 40/10 00/00 00/00 Gran Quivira Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Windy Sunny Sunny 27/62 29/64 33/60 31/61 29/44 21/52 24/60 00/00 00/00 00/10 00/00 30/20 00/00 00/00 Carrizozo Sunny Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Windy Sunny Sunny 31/64 33/67 39/62 40/64 33/48 25/55 29/63 00/00 00/00 00/10 00/00 50/20 00/00 00/00 Ruidoso Sunny Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Windy Windy Sunny 28/61 33/61 36/54 39/57 29/41 24/48 30/58 00/00 00/00 10/10 00/00 50/20 00/00 00/00 ...NORTHEAST NEW MEXICO... Capulin Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Sunny Windy Ptcldy Sunny 28/64 29/64 31/60 31/61 28/49 20/48 20/57 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/20 00/00 00/00 Raton Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Sunny Windy Ptcldy Sunny 23/67 24/66 27/65 26/65 29/52 19/52 19/61 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 20/20 00/00 00/00 Springer Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Sunny Windy Ptcldy Sunny 19/68 22/67 26/66 27/66 31/51 20/53 21/63 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 10/10 00/00 00/00 Las Vegas Sunny Sunny Sunny Dust Windy Sunny Sunny 24/66 26/64 29/61 30/61 27/44 20/50 23/60 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 30/10 00/00 00/00 Clayton Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Sunny Windy Ptcldy Sunny 34/73 36/71 38/71 37/71 35/56 27/55 28/65 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/20 10/00 00/00 Roy Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Sunny Windy Sunny Sunny 26/68 29/68 33/65 34/66 33/51 24/54 26/63 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/10 00/00 00/00 Conchas Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Windy Sunny Sunny 28/75 32/75 38/73 38/73 37/58 29/62 30/70 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 ...EAST CENTRAL NEW MEXICO... Santa Rosa Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Windy Sunny Sunny 29/71 36/72 40/68 37/70 35/53 29/59 31/68 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 10/00 00/00 00/00 Tucumcari Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Windy Sunny Sunny 30/76 34/76 39/74 39/74 37/60 30/63 32/71 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 Clovis Sunny Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Windy Sunny Sunny 33/74 36/74 41/72 40/73 36/56 32/62 34/70 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 Portales Sunny Sunny Sunny Ptcldy Windy Sunny Sunny 31/74 33/75 40/73 39/75 36/57 30/62 31/70 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 Fort Sumner Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Windy Sunny Sunny 28/74 31/76 39/72 38/73 37/56 29/62 31/71 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 ...SOUTHEAST NEW MEXICO... Roswell Sunny Dust Dust Dust Windy Sunny Sunny 32/76 34/79 42/76 39/77 40/63 34/66 36/75 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 20/10 00/00 00/00 Picacho Sunny Sunny Sunny Dust Windy Sunny Sunny 32/72 36/72 38/66 37/69 35/53 28/58 31/70 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 20/10 00/00 00/00 Elk Sunny Sunny Sunny Dust Windy Sunny Sunny 31/71 34/69 39/62 39/65 33/49 25/55 29/67 00/00 00/00 00/10 00/00 30/20 00/00 00/00 $$