Active Dark Filament (ADF)
In solar-terrestrial terms, an Active Prominence seen on the Disk.
Arch Filament System (AFS)
In solar-terrestrial terms, a bright, compact plage crossed by a system of small, arched filaments, which is often a sign of rapid or continued growth in an Active Region.
Disappearing Solar Filament (DSF)
In solar-terrestrial terms, the sudden (timescale of minutes to hours) disappearance of a solar filament (prominence).
A mass of gas suspended over the photosphere by magnetic fields and seen as dark lines threaded over the solar disk. A filament on the limb of the sun seen in emission against the dark sky is called a prominence.
Filament Channel
A broad pattern of fibrils in the chromosphere, marking where a filament may soon form or where a filament recently disappeared.
Quiescent Prominence (Filament)
Long, sheet-like prominences nearly vertical to the solar surface

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