Hazardous Weather Conditions

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Anchorage, AK Local Forecast Office

Marine Point Forecast

    • Tonight

      Tonight:ESE wind around 30 kt. Rain.   Seas 15 to 17 ft.

      Low: 42 °F

      ESE 30kt

      Small Craft Advisory
      Small Craft Advisory

    • Sunday

      Sunday:ESE wind 25 to 30 kt decreasing to 15 to 20 kt in the afternoon. Rain likely, mainly before 9am.   Seas 18 ft subsiding to 15 ft.

      High: 43 °F

      ESE 30kt⇓
      18ftWaves Subsiding

      Small Craft Advisory
      Small Craft Advisory

    • Sunday Night

      Sunday Night:ESE wind 20 to 30 kt increasing to 30 to 40 kt after midnight. A slight chance of rain between 9pm and midnight.   Seas 14 to 16 ft.

      Low: 41 °F

      ⇑ESE 40kt

      Gale Warning
      Gale Warning

    • Monday

      Monday:ESE wind around 40 kt, with gusts as high as 50 kt. Rain, mainly after noon.   Seas 17 ft building to 22 ft.

      High: 42 °F

      ESE 40kt
      Waves Building22ft

    • Monday Night

      Monday Night:SSE wind 15 to 20 kt, with gusts as high as 30 kt. A chance of showers before midnight.   Seas 22 ft subsiding to 17 ft.

      Low: 41 °F

      SSE 20kt
      22ftWaves Subsiding

    • Tuesday

      Tuesday:SE wind 5 to 10 kt becoming E in the afternoon. A chance of rain after 9am.   Seas 17 ft subsiding to 13 ft.

      High: 42 °F

      SE 10kt
      17ftWaves Subsiding

    • Tuesday Night

      Tuesday Night:ESE wind 5 to 10 kt, with gusts as high as 20 kt. A chance of rain.   Seas 11 to 13 ft.

      Low: 39 °F

      ESE 10kt

    • Wednesday

      Wednesday:Variable winds 5 kt or less. Winds could gust as high as 20 kt. A chance of rain.   Seas 9 to 11 ft.

      High: 42 °F

      Light Wind

    • Wednesday Night

      Wednesday Night:W wind 5 to 10 kt becoming ENE in the evening. A chance of rain.   Seas around 9 ft.

      Low: 40 °F

      ENE 10kt

High and low forecast temperature values represent air temperature.

Water temperature forecast is experimental.

Associated Zone Forecast which includes this point

Last Update: 3:12 pm AKST Feb 8, 2025
Forecast Valid: 7pm AKST Feb 8, 2025-6pm AKST Feb 15, 2025

View Nearby Observations

Detailed Forecast


Synopsis: A 964 mb low 145 nm W of Shemya moves to 360 nm W of Shemya at 965 mb for Sun morning. Its front wraps over the Northern Bering and trails over the Aleutians and Alaska Peninsula through Sun morning. A 945 mb low 215 nm SW of Adak Sun afternoon moves to 80 nm NW of Shemya at 943 mb by Mon afternoon. Its front reaches the Aleutians by Sun morning and trails over the Alaska Peninsula through Mon afternoon.

ESE wind around 30 kt. Rain. Seas 15 to 17 ft.
ESE wind 25 to 30 kt decreasing to 15 to 20 kt in the afternoon. Rain likely, mainly before 9am. Seas 18 ft subsiding to 15 ft.
Sunday Night
ESE wind 20 to 30 kt increasing to 30 to 40 kt after midnight. A slight chance of rain between 9pm and midnight. Seas 14 to 16 ft.
ESE wind around 40 kt, with gusts as high as 50 kt. Rain, mainly after noon. Seas 17 ft building to 22 ft.
Monday Night
SSE wind 15 to 20 kt, with gusts as high as 30 kt. A chance of showers before midnight. Seas 22 ft subsiding to 17 ft.
SE wind 5 to 10 kt becoming E in the afternoon. A chance of rain after 9am. Seas 17 ft subsiding to 13 ft.
Tuesday Night
ESE wind 5 to 10 kt, with gusts as high as 20 kt. A chance of rain. Seas 11 to 13 ft.
Variable winds 5 kt or less. Winds could gust as high as 20 kt. A chance of rain. Seas 9 to 11 ft.
Wednesday Night
W wind 5 to 10 kt becoming ENE in the evening. A chance of rain. Seas around 9 ft.


  1. This forecast is for a single location. For safety concerns, mariners should be aware of the weather over a larger area. Forecast information for a larger area can be found within the zone forecast and the NDFD graphics.
  2. The forecast conditions at a particular point may not exceed the criteria of a Small Craft Advisory, Gale, Storm etc. These watches/warnings/advisories are issued for the entire zone in which the point resides and mariners should act accordingly.
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Point Forecast: 54.54°N 158.78°W
Last Update: 3:12 pm AKST Feb 8, 2025
Forecast Valid: 7pm AKST Feb 8, 2025-6pm AKST Feb 15, 2025
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