Hazardous Weather Conditions

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Miami - South Florida Local Forecast Office

4NM ESE Boca Raton FL

Marine Point Forecast

    • Tonight

      Tonight:SE wind 5 to 9 kt. Mostly clear. Seas around 1 ft. Dominant period 3 seconds. Intracoastal waters a light chop becoming  smooth.

      Low: 72 °F

      SE 9kt

    • Monday

      Monday:Variable winds less than 5 kt becoming ESE 5 to 9 kt in the morning. Sunny. Seas around 1 ft. Dominant period 3 seconds. Intracoastal waters smooth becoming  a light chop.

      High: 77 °F

      ⇑ESE 9kt

    • Monday Night

      Monday Night:E wind 9 to 11 kt. Mostly clear. Seas 1 to 2 ft. Dominant period 3 seconds. Intracoastal waters a light chop.

      Low: 72 °F

      E 11kt

    • Tuesday

      Tuesday:ESE wind 10 to 12 kt. Sunny. Seas around 2 ft. Dominant period 3 to 4 seconds. Intracoastal waters a light chop.

      High: 77 °F

      ESE 12kt

    • Tuesday Night

      Tuesday Night:SE wind 11 to 14 kt. Mostly clear. Seas 2 to 3 ft with occasional seas up to 4 ft. Intracoastal waters a light chop becoming  a moderate chop.

      Low: 74 °F

      SE 14kt

    • Wednesday

      Wednesday:SSE wind 14 to 16 kt. Sunny. Seas around 3 ft with occasional seas up to 4 ft. Intracoastal waters a light chop.

      High: 79 °F

      SSE 16kt

    • Wednesday Night

      Wednesday Night:SSE wind 13 to 16 kt. Mostly clear. Seas around 3 ft with occasional seas up to 4 ft. Intracoastal waters a light chop.

      Low: 76 °F

      SSE 16kt

    • Thursday

      Thursday:SSE wind 14 to 16 kt. Mostly sunny. Seas around 3 ft with occasional seas up to 4 ft. Intracoastal waters a light chop.

      High: 80 °F

      SSE 16kt

    • Thursday Night

      Thursday Night:SE wind 7 to 10 kt. Mostly clear. Seas 1 to 2 ft. Intracoastal waters a light chop becoming  smooth.

      Low: 74 °F

      SE 10kt

High and low forecast temperature values represent air temperature.

Associated Zone Forecast which includes this point

Last Update: 6:47 pm EST Feb 9, 2025
Forecast Valid: 7pm EST Feb 9, 2025-6pm EST Feb 16, 2025

View Nearby Observations

Detailed Forecast

SE wind 5 to 9 kt. Mostly clear. Seas around 1 ft. Dominant period 3 seconds. Intracoastal waters a light chop becoming smooth.
Variable winds less than 5 kt becoming ESE 5 to 9 kt in the morning. Sunny. Seas around 1 ft. Dominant period 3 seconds. Intracoastal waters smooth becoming a light chop.
Monday Night
E wind 9 to 11 kt. Mostly clear. Seas 1 to 2 ft. Dominant period 3 seconds. Intracoastal waters a light chop.
ESE wind 10 to 12 kt. Sunny. Seas around 2 ft. Dominant period 3 to 4 seconds. Intracoastal waters a light chop.
Tuesday Night
SE wind 11 to 14 kt. Mostly clear. Seas 2 to 3 ft with occasional seas up to 4 ft. Intracoastal waters a light chop becoming a moderate chop.
SSE wind 14 to 16 kt. Sunny. Seas around 3 ft with occasional seas up to 4 ft. Intracoastal waters a light chop.
Wednesday Night
SSE wind 13 to 16 kt. Mostly clear. Seas around 3 ft with occasional seas up to 4 ft. Intracoastal waters a light chop.
SSE wind 14 to 16 kt. Mostly sunny. Seas around 3 ft with occasional seas up to 4 ft. Intracoastal waters a light chop.
Thursday Night
SE wind 7 to 10 kt. Mostly clear. Seas 1 to 2 ft. Intracoastal waters a light chop becoming smooth.


  1. This forecast is for a single location. For safety concerns, mariners should be aware of the weather over a larger area. Forecast information for a larger area can be found within the zone forecast and the NDFD graphics.
  2. The forecast conditions at a particular point may not exceed the criteria of a Small Craft Advisory, Gale, Storm etc. These watches/warnings/advisories are issued for the entire zone in which the point resides and mariners should act accordingly.
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Point Forecast: 26.34°N 80.04°W
Last Update: 6:47 pm EST Feb 9, 2025
Forecast Valid: 7pm EST Feb 9, 2025-6pm EST Feb 16, 2025
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